Outside ground sheet or mat.

I bought a basic ground sheet to outside the sliding door under the awning, but it’s not that great and doesn’t fit the space especially well. What have others bought for this purpose? Pictures, links and feedback would be appreciated.
Don't mess about just get a Fiamma one. Lots of sizes and will last you a lifetime.
An earlier Post referred to Interlocking mats from Amazon. Check out your local Aldi store, this month six mats for about twelve quid. Fantastic!
Yes got one too and a fetching sun hat too.
An earlier Post referred to Interlocking mats from Amazon. Check out your local Aldi store, this month six mats for about twelve quid. Fantastic!
I bought a pack of these three years ago.
Only use two to step out onto, they are as tough as old boots and still have 4 spares.

VW California Club
