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Overhead storage bin issue


James Sansum

VIP Member
T5 SE 140
I have an issue with my 2014 California SE overhead storage bin. The pinion which runs along the rack on the offside drivers side is free running when pushing up the overhead storage bin (I.e when closing), but is very stiff when pulling down (opening). The pinion (cog wheel) jumps off the rack when lowering, resulting in the locker dropping down and the back edge of the bin catching on the very close proximity to the van internal trim which houses the rear offside internal LED light and button. When this pinion is removed, looking at the wheel face on, it is free running when turned anti clockwise, but extremely stiff clockwise. Does anybody know if the pinion wheel is functioning correctly, as in my mind if both directions were free running this would allow the pinion to be free running when lowering the overhead storage bin, as it is when closing. At present the wheel just jumps along the rack when lowering and comes off entirely due to this very stiff clockwise direction of the pinion wheel, as it forces the rack to push outwards and away from the pinion cog wheel. This will eventually break the teeth of the cog wheel and/or the rack I’m sure. The part number for the pinion is >PA6GF15< with a number ‘5’ underneath. I have attached a few photos of the pinion which may help. I would be most grateful if anybody has any knowledge on this, specifically whether the pinion is supposed to be much stiffer clockwise than anti clockwise to prevent the bin dropping down when the catch is released. At present the overhead storage bin is made unusable due to this issue.
Thank you.





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