Painting or varnishing cabinet doors



VIP Member
T5 SE 180
Hi, has anyone here successfully painted or stained the doors of the wardrobe and kitchen. Mine are pretty scratched. Thanks
But there not actual wood
There aero grade aluminium ?
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Don't think paint would stick to the surface very well. Fablon might be the best to use .
Why not get a quote from a company that does vehicle wrapping? That would look something as colours etc could be great.
I put a cheap film on them to update it but I had to do „everything“
Here you can see the original coulor and the new film:
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Etching primer is for bare aluminium, if you went down the painting way probably use a Zinsser bin primer in a red tin.
Zinsser BIN will prime most things but I'm not sure that you could paint these doors and achieve a good result as they have a textured finish. Plus once you have started there is no going back! A film would be the best option if it's so bad you need to do something about it.
There are a few threads on here somewhere of someone hand painting the panel to cover up the damage. Looked great after.

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