Parking Heater Joy



East Sussex
T6 Ocean 150
-3 in this part of Sussex this morning. This time last year I would have been scraping / sitting in the car for 10 minutes waiting for the ice and condensation to clear. The remote parking heater control in the Ocean is a joy. 30 minutes before I leave for work I switch on the heater from the comfort of the house. We could not justify the extra cost of the lights and vision package at the time but I am so pleased with how well the remote heating works. If only Southern Rail worked as well.
I am along the coast from you.

I have had the heater on for most of the night keeping everything warm inside snd not freezing up. The joy to have a warm van this morning.

Wonderful :D
I forgot to adjust the clock on mine when the clocks went back. It thought it was an hour later than it was. Meaning my car was wonderfully defrosted around 6.30am real time instead of the 7.30 i intended. It was frozen again by the time I went to use it.

I have left the heater running on level 1 24hrs a day for the past few days. no frost in the morning and lovely and warmy to get it to each time. Love the remote control heating too. will be camping in Cardiff this weekend, so a good test of winter camping.
-4 in Antwerp -Belgium thismoring , Cali stays put in garage , hop on my bike 18km to work ... beautiful mornig !