Parking in Sweden...



VIP Member
T5 SE 140
After a wonderful trip through Norway, we came back via Sweden-Denmark-Germany.
We briefly visited the Cathedral in Lund near Malmo, in late morning before taking the bridge-tunnel to Denmark.
We found a good official parking bay on the roadside near the cathedral, bought a ticket & displayed it the right way up on the dash.

We were therefore more than surprised to find what looked like a parking ticket (all in Swedish...) on our return.

To cut a long story short - it WAS a ticket, for 800SEK (€87 - £69) for parking facing the wrong direction (or on the wrong side of the road if you prefer).

Now I know it is always preferable to park the "right" way, especially at night, but I did not know it was actually an offence to park the other way.
Neither did all the others parked the same way, obviously!

Be warned!

Is this a fining matter elsewhere?
In Australia, though not too relevant to the average Cali trip
I thought it was in the UK as well TBH?
Freelay I thought you were going mad, but just googled and the highway code says this "248- You MUST NOT park on a road at night facing against the direction of the traffic flow unless in a recognised parking space. Laws CUR reg 101 & RVLR reg 24"

Never seen or heard of it being enforced - every day is a learning day :)

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Wow I got something right had to happen eventually I suppose!
Many years ago you had to show a red light to the rear and a white one to the front when parked on the road at night. These rubber-mounted lights were slotted onto the top of the driver's window which was then wound up to clamp them. Tended to drain the battery though.

Showing the correct lights when parked at night was deleted from the Highway code some time ago. But facing the right way when parking at night has remained the law.

From the July 2022 version of the Highway code:

Rule 249
All vehicles MUST display parking lights when parked on a road or a lay-by on a road with a speed limit greater than 30 mph (48 km/h).

Rule 250
Cars, goods vehicles not exceeding 2500 kg laden weight, invalid carriages, motorcycles and pedal cycles may be parked without lights on a road (or lay-by) with a speed limit of 30 mph (48 km/h) or less if they are:

at least 10 metres (32 feet) away from any junction, close to the kerb and facing in the direction of the traffic flow
in a recognised parking place or lay-by.
Other vehicles and trailers, and all vehicles with projecting loads, MUST NOT be left on a road at night without lights.

All Calis are over 2500kg Laden so must not be left on a road at night without lights.

I'm sure no one has ever picked up a ticket for this.
Is this a thread resurrection record?

VW California Club
