Pop top (Rainbow/Comfortz) cover internal insulation for T6.1



T6.1 Ocean 199 4Motion
Just picked up our first California last Friday spent first 2x nights way last weekend and think we will need pop top cover or perhaps inside insulation. I know these have been discussed before just wanted to know which people think might be best, outside cover or the internal? Also is there any difference between the Rainbow pop top cover and the Comfortx, only see a couple of images low resolution do hard to see. I only there is YouTube video by A Bus and Beyond on the Rainbow cover. We have an Eriba and recently bought internal cover for pop top section, wondered if this was the same for the California? Any photos/opinions greatly received.
You can buy the brandrupt isotop liner which is pricey but really good. It stays fitted inside the pop top and keeps it dark and warm / cool.

Lots of threads on here if you search for it. Different models vans need different liner and fitting instructions are poor from manufacturer - on this thread they are great.

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No contest - internal. External are a faff. You have to remove them/it every time you want to drive away, or leave the van in/on a non secure place/site where you need to put your top down. If it gets wet you store it wet and then put it back on wet. We tried it and then bought an isotop internal. Save yourself some money if you don’t want to faff and go straight for an internal solution.
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Thank you, been reading reviews/opinions on the forum and think we are going towards the internal option.
Thank you, been reading reviews/opinions on the forum and think we are going towards the internal option.
I went for the Brandup isotop from the club shop. You have to be patient when you’re fitting it and the instructions are awful. Ours is the newer version and once I’d looked at all the advice on here then sat and thought about it, it was very logical.The differences it has made to us are:
  • no having to remember to pack it
  • no on and off
  • no storing wet
  • cosy feeling up top
    windows/front opening match those in the canvas for light/ventilation
  • lovely and dark
  • will keep us warm & extend our camping season
  • will keep us and the dog cooler in the heat
  • with a heater on not so much heat will be lost
  • muffles external sounds a little
  • damp/wet don’t get through even if the canvas is wet
  • if the weather was to turn really bad in the night we wouldn’t have to go out the van to remove an external before lowering top
Only had the Cali for 18 months but wish I’d have got the isotop from the beginning.

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