VIP Member
Hi All - I’m reaching out to the bank of wisdom on the forum regarding a suspected battery issue I’m having. Here’s the situation:
1. Collected my 2017 Ocean 6th Dec and drove a very enjoyable ~5 hours / 270 miles home without any issues whatsoever. It hadn’t been used much in the 2-3 months previously but had been to VW for major service, DSG oil change and MOT on 1st Dec.
2. I next attempted to drive the Cali on 10th Dec but it was was very sluggish to start – sounded like the starter-battery was low or flat as the starter motor was very lethargic to the extent that I abandoned the first-attempt. It did fire up the engine on the second attempt (but again, very sluggish although I didn’t abandon this attempt). Following start, when idling or driving, the ‘Engine Management Lamp’ continually flashed (I kept the engine running for ~45-minutes including a short local drive <2-miles). I was nervous to turn the engine off until safely back in my garage in-case it didn’t re-start. When clicking through to the MFD warning messages it displayed only one ‘Error: Start-stop’. The only other thing of note was that the Central Control panel showed a ~5A discharge when idling/driving (photo attached). This was with all lights/equipment turned-off. With the engine turned off the discharge reduced to 0A and shows Leisure batteries with 12.5V/90% charge
3. I consulted the archives in this forum and realised the starter battery takes a trickle charge from the mains when the leisure batteries are topped up. Accordingly I charged her overnight and by the morning the CCP had settled to 13.6V / 0.2A when plugged in and 13.2V / 0.0A when disconnected (I know this is leisure batteries but I expected this means that the starter battery took some charge after the leisure ones were topped up)
4. Great feeling on 11th Dec when my Cali started without hesitation - I assumed the overnight charge had worked wonders and patted myself on the back. Drove the Cali happily around ~15 miles with plenty of bluemotion stop/starting without skipping a beat
5. Fast forward to today - no usage at all for 2-days over the weekend, but garaged throughout, my Cali was once again incredibly sluggish to start as I set off for work this morning. I didn’t abandon the start and it did eventually fire up - but I’m left wondering what’s going on. CCP shows similar figures to at step 2 (ie discharge even though ‘G’ is indicated). No sign at all of engine warning lights this time though - but I notice the start-stop chose not to initiate at any traffic lights during my commute.
What do you reckon? Have I likely got a starter battery at the end of its life or something else? I’ve booked a battery health check tomorrow but interested in any other ideas. NB - I turned off the Cali footwell lights and haven’t turned them on again following my research during step 3. Prior owner is happy to provide a new starter battery btw - so no complaints there, just want to understand if that truly is the most likely cause.

1. Collected my 2017 Ocean 6th Dec and drove a very enjoyable ~5 hours / 270 miles home without any issues whatsoever. It hadn’t been used much in the 2-3 months previously but had been to VW for major service, DSG oil change and MOT on 1st Dec.
2. I next attempted to drive the Cali on 10th Dec but it was was very sluggish to start – sounded like the starter-battery was low or flat as the starter motor was very lethargic to the extent that I abandoned the first-attempt. It did fire up the engine on the second attempt (but again, very sluggish although I didn’t abandon this attempt). Following start, when idling or driving, the ‘Engine Management Lamp’ continually flashed (I kept the engine running for ~45-minutes including a short local drive <2-miles). I was nervous to turn the engine off until safely back in my garage in-case it didn’t re-start. When clicking through to the MFD warning messages it displayed only one ‘Error: Start-stop’. The only other thing of note was that the Central Control panel showed a ~5A discharge when idling/driving (photo attached). This was with all lights/equipment turned-off. With the engine turned off the discharge reduced to 0A and shows Leisure batteries with 12.5V/90% charge
3. I consulted the archives in this forum and realised the starter battery takes a trickle charge from the mains when the leisure batteries are topped up. Accordingly I charged her overnight and by the morning the CCP had settled to 13.6V / 0.2A when plugged in and 13.2V / 0.0A when disconnected (I know this is leisure batteries but I expected this means that the starter battery took some charge after the leisure ones were topped up)
4. Great feeling on 11th Dec when my Cali started without hesitation - I assumed the overnight charge had worked wonders and patted myself on the back. Drove the Cali happily around ~15 miles with plenty of bluemotion stop/starting without skipping a beat
5. Fast forward to today - no usage at all for 2-days over the weekend, but garaged throughout, my Cali was once again incredibly sluggish to start as I set off for work this morning. I didn’t abandon the start and it did eventually fire up - but I’m left wondering what’s going on. CCP shows similar figures to at step 2 (ie discharge even though ‘G’ is indicated). No sign at all of engine warning lights this time though - but I notice the start-stop chose not to initiate at any traffic lights during my commute.
What do you reckon? Have I likely got a starter battery at the end of its life or something else? I’ve booked a battery health check tomorrow but interested in any other ideas. NB - I turned off the Cali footwell lights and haven’t turned them on again following my research during step 3. Prior owner is happy to provide a new starter battery btw - so no complaints there, just want to understand if that truly is the most likely cause.