Hi there, I live in NZ and we had a similar experience here - anything recreational like caravans, boats, bikes and Calis (and home renovations!) went nuts during Covid, but things have sort of returned to normal now. I know a couple of people who just sold Calis and they took a while, whereas in 2021 or 2022 they’d have been snapped up virtually immediately. But as others have pointed out, inflation is rampant, so even if demand is soft, prices may not collapse that far as new ones have gone up significantly in price, alongside production costs. I suspect it’ll depend on how many people paid cash or bought them on credit or slapped them on the mortgage, but market dynamics are certainly very different now.
As to the impact of the new vs old; that’s a real interesting one. As some have pointed out, the new I’d Buzz may be too heavy as a base for full-blown camper, but perhaps the biggest issue will be, what if there’s a long gap between the last T6.1 orders being delivered and the first T7/ID Buzz orders being delivered? That’s likely to be a factor.
I suspect another factor for unique vehicles like the Cali will also be the tried and trusted older model vs the brand new but untested new model debate. That‘s a tricky one and there is plenty of debate as to whether the T6 was better than the T6.1 (I still haven’t made my mind up about that!), and I suspect the same debate will be carried over to any new models in coming years. Essentially, would you prefer to own the last run of an earlier model that has been tried and tested, honed and corrected, and has all teething issues ironed out, or prefer to own a completely new model that will probably have more tech and be fancier and look cooler, but may not be as well appointed due to cost constraints and/or may have some teething issues and take a while to get bedded down.