Protective film underneath roof



T5 SE 140
Hi everyone,

I have a protective film at the frontside of the elevating roof that needs replacing.
I'm not sure that the film is factory, do you all have the strips of clear tape?

Does anyone know where to get replacements?

Thanks al lot, three months into Cali ownership now and enjoying the h#$ll out of it!

Pictures are on the way in post #2
That’s there to stop the 2 surfaces rubbing together
It’s factory and by the looks of it needs replacing
It's tape beeing added after VW took action as the roof corrosion stick it's head up.
All new Cali's have tape there , older Cali's only have tape there if they had roof repair done .
Imo , not many VW dealers will have that tape in stock .
As far a replacement, helicopter tape will do the job in vw cannot assist you.
Use a hair dryer to warn the tape to remove it, clean with IPA, apply the new the new helicopter tape, use the hair dryer to make the tape pliable and follow the contours when fitting the new tape, ( peel off a small section on the backing initially, heating the tape as you smoth into the profile)
Mine has tape there from the factory.
Ours did too. There's a lot more protective film on the later T6s. Our early T6 did not have this.

You can buy 3M protective film on ebay. Lots of sellers, lots of sizes and different thickness.

Simply cut it to fit. Job done.
Thanks for the reply’s !

Does anyone have a picture of what the tape on the roof looks like in new condition?
Ours didn't have it factory fitted. March 2017, but looks like a good idea.
Thanks for the reply’s !

Does anyone have a picture of what the tape on the roof looks like in new condition?

First picture in #2

VW California Club
