Putting bed extension shelf back!!



T6.1 Ocean 150
We have just got our new Ocean T6.1!! We love it and are having lots of fun figuring it all out.

Unfortunately, we accidentally hit the releases on the rear shelf rather than pulling the strap when trying to raise the bed extension. The Shelf is now off its mount and we are struggling to get it back on.

After 20 mins of gingerly trying to get it back in place, we have failed. Any word or wisdom/advise would be greatly welcome :)
Pull the rear seat forward a few inches to aide locating the frame in to the mounting lugs. Then push seat back once the frame is located and locked in to position.
Pull the rear seat forward a few inches to aide locating the frame in to the mounting lugs. Then push seat back once the frame is located and locked in to position.
Thanks for the reply. It is the lug on the left side closest to the boot that we can't get the rail to sit on. We do have the rear seats moved forward so they are well clear of the shelf.

I am starting to worry if I somehow twisted it when taking it off and misaligned something. But I can't see that to be the case.
Thanks for the reply. It is the lug on the left side closest to the boot that we can't get the rail to sit on. We do have the rear seats moved forward so they are well clear of the shelf.

I am starting to worry if I somehow twisted it when taking it off and misaligned something. But I can't see that to be the case.
I too have made that same mistake - twice! On both occasions, the shelf went back into place after about 30mins of juggling around and much swearing. However, I cannot tell you how I managed it as it simply happened. Post that event, I recall looking at the manual and I think you are supposed to put the shelf into the boot at an angle with the right hand side lower than the left hand side and introduce said right hand side to the catches before you lower the right hand side down. I will confess I haven't had the inclination to take it out again to see if the solution is correct! When we picked ours up from the dealer, they inadvertently released the shelf from its mountings, and then had a real problem trying to put it back in place but I didn't really pay too much attention to it at the time. Hindsight is a wonderful thing....
I too have made that same mistake - twice! On both occasions, the shelf went back into place after about 30mins of juggling around and much swearing. However, I cannot tell you how I managed it as it simply happened. Post that event, I recall looking at the manual and I think you are supposed to put the shelf into the boot at an angle with the right hand side lower than the left hand side and introduce said right hand side to the catches before you lower the right hand side down. I will confess I haven't had the inclination to take it out again to see if the solution is correct! When we picked ours up from the dealer, they inadvertently released the shelf from its mountings, and then had a real problem trying to put it back in place but I didn't really pay too much attention to it at the time. Hindsight is a wonderful thing....

This gives me some hope! I will persist and hope for the best!
It is a bit of a pain. Once you’ve cleared everything out then:

Set the shelf flat
Put the unit in at an angle, lifted at the back, so that the rails fit into the two lugs.
It slides forwards into the lugs.

On both sides pull back the short lever and the tail should drop into the lugs and be quite firm.

Slide the lever forwards to prevent it coming loose again.

It will come loose again!!!
For mine the trick is to press the LH steel bracket outboard ie manually force alignment with the cupboard wall. I need to lift the board one or two clicks to do this . Having had it in and out a few times I find it not so perplexing anymore.
It’s just something you’ll get the knack of.
Mine plopped straight back in the first time and I wondered what the fuss was about. Second time involved 20 minutes of swearing. Think I’ve got it now though
Same here. Lots of swearing. It seems that the rearmost catch on the left is reluctant to engage as the shelf needs to be moved further left to click it into place. It’s a right PITA tbh.

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Ditto! No wonder the handbook advises that removal is a 2-person job. It is actually quite a heavy item and then you're trying to juggle it into position as described in these posts!
Is this just a T6.1 issue?? I have a T6 and was thinking about removing my shelf to move some furniture … I am now nervous!
Is this just a T6.1 issue?? I have a T6 and was thinking about removing my shelf to move some furniture … I am now nervous!
I regularly remove and replace the rear metal rack in my T6 Ocean. No issues. Make sure that the rear seat is pushed forward a couple of inches so not to obstruct the brackets.
The first time it was a bit of a fiddle, but 2 pairs of hands helps! Since then I’ve managed on my own okay - moving the bench forward helps, and getting your grip right so you can locate one side at a time.
Ended up struggling with this yesterday during our first trip away with the new van (T6.1 Ocean). The bed extension had clearly not been fitted properly in the first place as it collapsed when I tried to pull it up.

It took a few trials and errors but went in easily enough in the end. The seat definitely need to be well forward. Looking underneath the shelf, it’s easy to see where the catches are and where they should go. It’s not so easy to actually get them to all engage properly.

I wasn’t able to get the catches on both sides to engage simultaneously.

When titling the shelf right, it was very easy to get the right-hand side catches to lock but then the left-hand side ones could not engage as the shelf was now too far forward.

In the end, what worked for me was to tilt the shelf left, get the left-hand side catches to lock, which was fairly straightforward when not trying to do both sides at once, and then lower the right hand side which caused the right hand side catches to lock.

All that faff made me discover that the shelf can be removed, which is a welcome surprise. I was under the impression that it could only be removed in the Beach. That makes the van even more useful as a day to day van.
I actaully tie wrap the release levers shut as they were always getting knocked and you wouldnt realise until you wanted to go to bed!
Resurrecting this thread because this new 6.1 owner also spent around 30 minutes and countless attempts to get this bed extension / multiflex thing back in position. I’ve read the tips above but I’m starting to think that there might be a problem. Is it just my van that has this ‘play’ in the mechanism?
As per post #16 above, 2 pairs of hands are useful. When it eventually goes home you’ll be so happy!
The problem I think is for the vast majority, this is a very rare thing to actually do so by the time you come to do it next time, you’ve forgotten again what to do! I’ve taken mine out a few times now and it’s not complex, just requires the alignment to be right. The issue is the part is quite heavy and if you’re the only one doing it, it tends to obscure your view a bit too. Second pair of hands helps massively.
As per post #16 above, 2 pairs of hands are useful. When it eventually goes home you’ll be so happy!
I actually think that I have done it, but I’m concerned that there is a fault. The last few seconds of the video shows the grey retaining clips not retaining the board, even though the brackets below seem to be properly located.
Do the grey retaining clips visible on top of the board actually do the job of ‘retaining’ on your bed extension once the brackets are correctly fitted below?
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I actually think that I have done it, but I’m concerned that there is a fault. The last few seconds of the video shows the grey retaining clips not retaining the board, even though the brackets below seem to be properly located.
Do the grey retaining clips visible on top of the board actually do the job of ‘retaining’ on your bed extension once the brackets are correctly fitted below?
I have the exact same query. Made the monumental mistake of removing it a few weeks ago to lug a piece of furniture. After several very sweary sessions managed to get it seemingly in position but with the wobble at the back as in your video. I’m pretty sure it used to be firm with no movement at all but have removed and refitted several times to get the same result. Sufficient time has passed that I might just have the will to try again.
I have the exact same query. Made the monumental mistake of removing it a few weeks ago to lug a piece of furniture. After several very sweary sessions managed to get it seemingly in position but with the wobble at the back as in your video. I’m pretty sure it used to be firm with no movement at all but have removed and refitted several times to get the same result. Sufficient time has passed that I might just have the will to try again.
Nice to know I’m not the only one!
Can’t wait for comment on the last 10 seconds of the video.
Has anyone modified the fixings so you can take in and out like the previous type. The inclining idea is a waste of time IMO, but to take it out to carry large things is a very big plus.

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