Rear Heater Control Panel and Vents



T6.1 Ocean 150
Hi all. Got my new 6.1 (November). Had to stick the rear heater on yesterday to thaw out a stuck door. It was always (I think) completely off before, even when driving, not even displaying "off". Now it won't go blank and either says "off" or starts up if I am in Sync mode at the front. Maybe that is what happens after you first turn it on but unless I am imagining it I thought it was completely black before. Am I imagining it? Am also having to have the three rear vents replaced already as they were completely jammed and when one finally opened some broken plastic came out.
Yes, my rear system kept firing up the fan uncomamnded and at full blast in hot weather last summer, and I would have to stop and laboriously climb through and switch it off dead at the the rear O/S overhead panel each time!
However, I recently spotted the 'REAR' segment on one of the dash control buttons, and pressed it to light it up, and found I could shut the back system down that way . . . which I guess is what I always could / should have done! Durrrr.
Does that make any sense? (I'll check my facts with a quick test later and report)
Yes, press rear on the climate control panel (cab) and you control the rear heating. It will push aircon through as long as you have aircon on in the front.
(Ie: if you turn aircon off in the front, you can’t have aircon on in the back independently. )
I leave aircon on all the time to remove condensation. Especially in this damp high humidity weather.
Sync will sync the two front controls, and the rear.
I have sync on usually.
Until wifey gets in and wants it on 28 in the winter !
Then I set the rear at 22 and mine at 21.
It will push aircon through as long as you have aircon on in the front.
(Ie: if you turn aircon off in the front, you can’t have aircon on in the back independently. )

The rear can be on with the front off. It is a totally separate system to the front.
Yes, additional condenser etc in the side panel next to/ behind the seat on drivers side.
Wowzer, thanks!
Never knew this.
But you need engine running for air con to work in the rear I guess ?
Wowzer, thanks!
Never knew this.
But you need engine running for air con to work in the rear I guess ?
Yes, You need it running to work in the front as well.

Gives you more cooling capacity as well, so worth turning on the rear on a hot day even without rear passengers if you are trying to cool quickly.
Wonderful thanks! Not in it currently - is it the left hand round button?

VW California Club
