Relative VW Campervans prices over the years....



T5 Beach
Reading about the price of the 6.1 made me think that if there was anybody with too much time on their hands and a smattering of statistical know-how it would be interesting to look at the price of a VW Campervans relative to the average wage over the years. You could go way back to the early bays in the 70s to present day.
Do you have people to do things for you generally?

Maybe YOU could take some time to bring some information to the table and then ask others to contribute to your muse?

#teamplayer ;-)
Do you have people to do things for you generally?

Maybe YOU could take some time to bring some information to the table and then ask others to contribute to your muse?

#teamplayer ;-)
The answer to your first question - yes I do.

Though in this case the post was intended more as a conversation starter.andxas Westfalia said somebody on here might have some relevant stats - especially around the cost of VW camper vans - with the Westfalia conversions through to when VW took it in house you actually have some good long term stats to use.

Just thinking out load really.

Also - when you capitalise letter mid sentence it looks like it’s an abbreviation - that’s way most people don’t
The answer to your first question - yes I do.

Though in this case the post was intended more as a conversation starter.andxas Westfalia said somebody on here might have some relevant stats - especially around the cost of VW camper vans - with the Westfalia conversions through to when VW took it in house you actually have some good long term stats to use.

Just thinking out load really.

Also - when you capitalise letter mid sentence it looks like it’s an abbreviation - that’s way most people don’t

Actually - just reread this and it sounds a bit snarky which wasn’t the intention
Actually - just reread this and it sounds a bit snarky which wasn’t the intention
Haha mine does too. As long as people have a sense of humour, there is no harm done I think. I would have italicised the ‘you’ if I could.
Well, now that you have done with the silliness, let’s try and do what benico was suggesting.
My information for starters is:
1969 average wage £1,560, corrected for inflation to 2018 becomes £24,050 (actual average wage today is £31,834.
I don‘t have campervan prices, but car prices may give some idea.
1969 Ford Capri was £890, corrected for inflation becomes £14,723 (actual price of a Fiesta is £22,160). Anticipating the smart-arse answers, yes, I know a Fiesta is not a Capri, but they represent a similar type of vehicle.
All we need now is the price of a Westfalia in 1969!
Is it like house prices, where they cost what people are prepared to pay (ie a lot!)
I think that this all needs a bit more thought.

Going back to 1965 when I converted a new T2 panel van with help from Holdsworth (they cut the holes and put in the roof and windows and left me with a kit of stuff to fit out the interior) the total cost with tax was about £1,100. This was sufficiently cheaper than a Danbury to be worth the effort. I didn’t consider a Westy because they were just too expensive, and hard to get.
However, the primitive T2 cannot be considered to be the equivalent of even the most basic T6 So it is amost impossible to make price comparisons.
Nevertheless, working on the assumption that a Westy would be a couple of hundred pounds more than the Microbus - say £1750, then using the inflation increase this would be just under £29,00 today. Taking into account the extra cost of a modern Fiesta compared with the inflation-corrected price of a Capri, then we get a 2019 price for a basic T6 Cali of about £46,600.

I wish.
I think that this all needs a bit more thought.

Going back to 1965 when I converted a new T2 panel van with help from Holdsworth (they cut the holes and put in the roof and windows and left me with a kit of stuff to fit out the interior) the total cost with tax was about £1,100. This was sufficiently cheaper than a Danbury to be worth the effort. I didn’t consider a Westy because they were just too expensive, and hard to get.
However, the primitive T2 cannot be considered to be the equivalent of even the most basic T6 So it is amost impossible to make price comparisons.
Nevertheless, working on the assumption that a Westy would be a couple of hundred pounds more than the Microbus - say £1750, then using the inflation increase this would be just under £29,00 today. Taking into account the extra cost of a modern Fiesta compared with the inflation-corrected price of a Capri, then we get a 2019 price for a basic T6 Cali of about £46,600.

I wish.
We had a Holdsworth fixed roof T2 in the late 70s, 60 hp performance, heating was provided by the cooling fan pushing air around the engine and into the cab, of course any exhaust leaks came with it.
Desperately vulnerable if you had a crash, unassisted steering and rubbish brakes. Dropped a valve head through a piston on a long down hill road, still drove home in a cloud of smoke, primitive wasn't the word.
We paid just over £1000 for it from outside Australia house in the Strand in 78. We lived in it for six months and had a ball, you never forget such experiences.
It's an interesting enough question but where is it leading?
I think that this all needs a bit more thought.

Going back to 1965 when I converted a new T2 panel van
Doh! ......... Should be 1975
That’s what happens when you try to write after you’ve been to the pub!

VW California Club
