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Replace lapbelt with 3 point seat belt - South West




Sorry if there have already been posts on this, I've not been able to find any?

With a baby on the way I want to replace the lap belt in my '91 Westy with a 3 point seat belt. I believe you have to fix it through the wardrobe? Anyone had this done? Does anyone know of a company in the South West - Bath/Bristol area - that could do this?

Any help very gratefully received!


i realise this post is quite old but i thought i would post anyway incase it is helpful!

We also looked into changing the rear lap belt on our '91 to a 3 point belt but could not find an easy/cost effective way. We did found the following alternatives though:

  • An isofix kit for a ford focus can be fitted to the rear bench but of course you do this at your own risk. ... ght=isofix
  • A Maxicosi EasyBase 2 fixes very securely using only the lap belt. We use this method and it feels very secure. Worth saying that the installation manual does not say a lap belt is a recommended way to install the base.
  • Many of the Graco brand of baby seat/bases are designed to be safely used with a lap belt, check out the instructions.
  • Buy the extra row of seats designed to fit into the existing rails. Both seats have 3 point belts. You see them for sale on quite often but they are hard to find in the UK.
  • swap the single passenger seat for a double swivel. Both the older folding double seat (1 x 3 point belt + 1 x lap belt) and the newer non folding (2 x 3 point belts) will fit. We have just done this and are very pleased with the result! It cost us £320 and 30 minutes to change. ... 134&t=6291

Whatever option you go for its worth checking with you insurer to make sure you are still covered. Before installing the double front seat we checked with our insurer (justkampers) and they said the change would be fine and it would not increase the premium.

Please note that you should NOT trust any solutions you find on an internet forum when it comes to passenger saftey! Do lots of research to confirm facts and use your own common sense to decide and evaluate if something is safe!

Its also worth saying that if passenger safety is a main concern then maybe you should not be driving a 20+ year old van! :shocked

Top safety mod for a t4? 2.4D engine! Hard to have a big accident at 20mph! :laugh2

Jim and Liz
Welcome JP,

Another one to swell our numbers.

I have the original factory rear belts in mine. On both left and right they are housed in the small horizontal cabinet above the rear bench seat.

It may be worth searching on eBay for some out of a similar age Kombi or Cravelle.

Regarding your local area, I'd contact Danbury first to see if they can help.


That was actually the main reason why I sold my beloved T4. There was lapbelts only at the back and I spent about a year to find a way to install the 3-point. Eventually it emerged to be too complicated and unknown behaviour in case of accident.
Thank you everyone for your responses - I honestly thought my post was dead!

@vwliz - thanks so much for your long reply! We've got the maxi cosi easybase 2 so I'll try that out tonight. And re: safety and a 23yr old van - just spent £1200 on all the mechanicals. The only advisory notice on the MOT was the removal of my lei from the overhead mirror :thumb She's now as good as she'll get.

@sidpod Thanks for the tip. Will definitely look those up and speak with Danbury too.

@Andresz Yeah, I've only got the one kid at the moment. I don't even want to think about having to sell the van if I can't find a decent solution to the 3 point belt problem!
Actually I was talking rubbish, relying on a bad memory.

Now I have the van outside (out of winter hibernation) I can tell you that the offside inertia reel is mounted somewhere down by the fresh water tank or in the trim below the window line. The belt runs through a guide hung from the roof, level with the top of the side window.
The near side belt runs through the top speaker cabinet cupboard and vanishes. I'm not sure where the reel is housed ?

The lap belts are bolted into the seat unit..

Happy to supply photos if required..

Thanks @sidepod, it's the nearside where my lapbelt is. I think there are fixing points that match the ones on the offside, but they're tucked away behind the cupboard - tricky to get to. Would love to see how yours is fitted. Will pm you my email.

UPDATE: Can't PM you - not authorised. if you could find time to send any images to I'd be really grateful.

Hi all. I too have this issue and am in the middle of sorting it. Its my Isofix solution referenced in the post above.

The later T4 Westfalia models did have a lap and diagonal on the kitchen side - I noticed one in a factory handbook and then asked a few people for pics. The reel is mounted in the cupboard above the rear seat, with the belt hanging from the bed base with a steel plate supporting above. As noted above, the belt comes out from above the speaker on the drivers side if fitted. Check out the Gunzl vw bus shop and you'll see the kit.

I got mine from Quickfit Safety Belt Systems but am still faffing about making up reinforcing plates.
Hi all,
I am also interested in finding a good solution for this.
diyhell, is this the "kit" you are referring to showing the opening for the belt? ... 701070100T

I am also considering to use the diagonal belt as an "extra" strap, to leave the lapbelt untouched as it was originally installed. This way I don't need to be afraid to jeopardize safety, I think. Also, if I only install it as one extra strap, it would probably be possible to use another lap-reel. What do you guys think? Another benefit would also be that it's still easy to disconnect all belts to be able to move, or even lift the seats out.

sidepod, can you provide some pictures from your van?

Sorry if my english has offended anyone, I am from Sweden so please bare with me... :smile

Sorry everyone, didn't realise there'd been a reply to this one...

Svenkan - the fixing kit seems to have disappeared from Happy to send some pics of my installation if you email me at
hellow everybody
A late response :rolleyes:
No extra info; every imaginable possibility is posted above.
Just mention that we also use the maxi cosi easybase 2 and strap it on with the 3-way belt on the sliding door side.

I do think there's a nice collection of T4 california's here :) Last year we were 4 at COTF, maybe this year more?

VW California Club
