Replacement Fresh Water Pump



Lymington, Hampshire, Uk
Grand California 600
Hi All

I seemed to have read a few posts here and there that talk about the chances of a fresh water pump failure on a VW GC600 so I thought it might be an idea to carry a spare onboard. That said, I can’t seem to find any place that sells one or how much they are. Does anyone have a link? TIA
Hi All

I seemed to have read a few posts here and there that talk about the chances of a fresh water pump failure on a VW GC600 so I thought it might be an idea to carry a spare onboard. That said, I can’t seem to find any place that sells one or how much they are. Does anyone have a link? TIA
Assuming it’s the same generic one, made by Comet, that’s in the SE/Ocean, I got one from VW for about £23.

As far as I am aware the water pump in the Grand California is as follows:
  • Manufacturer: Reich
  • Model number: KTW C DVGW W270
  • 12 V
  • 1.1 bar
  • 3 A
  • 45 W
  • 19 l/min
I used to have some issue with the water pressure (water in the shower stopped after 30 sec. came back, went again, came back....) but with the new tap (original VW tap replacement) it is a wee bit better. Have I said that, we have not tested it fully yet.

I am looking for a replacement pump that meets all the above mentioned technical specification, but with at least 21 l/min to increase the water pressure a wee bit, but not too much to potentially cause damage to the water pipes.

So far I am not sure which pump to chose. I opened a new post here in the forum (as well as in Caliboard) to ask if somebody successfully changed the water pump, but so far nobody got back to me.

Search for thread started by me with same question titled “water pump” which follows with photos and links to purchase.

I was hoping to put something in like this:

VW - 12 V = New - 12 V
VW - 19 l/min = New - 22 l/min
VW - 45 W = New - 70 W
VW - 1.1 bar = New - 1.8 bar

It should be a wee bit more powerful but it would be nice to hear if somebody else did install a more powerful water pump and got the pressure issue sorted.

Most of the issues with the water pump seems to come from the switch in the tap or software. But I am not sure if this is linked to my issue with the on and off power of the water in the shower and kitchen tap.

Search for thread started by me with same question titled “water pump” which follows with photos and links to purchase.
Good call! Would recommend anyone following my thread to link across to far.landscape's here...

I was thinking that the lid was a part of the pump which is why I couldn't find anything similar.

Off the back of this thread, I was comfortable taking out the existing pump and examining it. If you want to do the same, the hose clips are easier to remove with mole grips than pliers so worth having a pair on board..

I've now bought a replacement off of eBay. I'm thinking I'll fit it when it comes and keep the existing one as a spare. That way, no unpleasant surprises come the day it's needed eh!

Thanks to all who contributed.

Good call! Would recommend anyone following my thread to link across to far.landscape's here...

I was thinking that the lid was a part of the pump which is why I couldn't find anything similar.

Off the back of this thread, I was comfortable taking out the existing pump and examining it. If you want to do the same, the hose clips are easier to remove with mole grips than pliers so worth having a pair on board..

I've now bought a replacement off of eBay. I'm thinking I'll fit it when it comes and keep the existing one as a spare. That way, no unpleasant surprises come the day it's needed eh!

Thanks to all who contributed.


Good shout re mole grips.

…I was able to get the clips off but in my case at least they have used “barbed” plastic fittings ( and when used in combination with the clips the pipe has formed so tightly around the barbs so I can’t they are impossible to slide off.

So I can’t see any way of removing without cutting the pipes… which would mean I also need new pipe and connecting fittings on hand.

So I haven’t actually removed the pump yet, and although it’s very noisy and performs weirdly, it hasn’t actually broken yet…

VW California Club
