VIP Member
Hi all,
I am still awaiting delivery of my handbook in English and I need a bit of advice.
I was in Almeria the other day and decided (foolishly) to park in an underground car park. the entrance to which at first entry was fine in both height & width but it then narrowed considerably due to concrete pillars which were not visible on first entry.
Because I was on a down slope and trapped in the entrance tunnel, it was not possible to reverse out, so I was committed to going forward. The gap available actually narrowed to about a centimetre on each side as I inched through into the parking area.
I wanted to retract the mirrors into the doors, but I didn't know how to do it. I know the mirrors will retract on switch off (parking) by holding the lock button down, but is there a way of retracting them (manually or otherwise) in a situation as described above?
The exit wasn't much better. Wide enough, but on a vicious dogleg that made it difficult.
Fortunately I got in & out unscathed, but whilst the missus was impressed with the manoeuvring and lack of contact, she has suggested that we give underground car parks a miss in future. ( I think she's right.)
I would be grateful for any help as regards retracting the mirrors.
I am still awaiting delivery of my handbook in English and I need a bit of advice.
I was in Almeria the other day and decided (foolishly) to park in an underground car park. the entrance to which at first entry was fine in both height & width but it then narrowed considerably due to concrete pillars which were not visible on first entry.
Because I was on a down slope and trapped in the entrance tunnel, it was not possible to reverse out, so I was committed to going forward. The gap available actually narrowed to about a centimetre on each side as I inched through into the parking area.
I wanted to retract the mirrors into the doors, but I didn't know how to do it. I know the mirrors will retract on switch off (parking) by holding the lock button down, but is there a way of retracting them (manually or otherwise) in a situation as described above?
The exit wasn't much better. Wide enough, but on a vicious dogleg that made it difficult.
Fortunately I got in & out unscathed, but whilst the missus was impressed with the manoeuvring and lack of contact, she has suggested that we give underground car parks a miss in future. ( I think she's right.)
I would be grateful for any help as regards retracting the mirrors.