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Retracting the mirrors on a T6 whilst manoeuvring.



VIP Member
Torre Del Rico, Spain
T6 Ocean 150 4Motion
Hi all,

I am still awaiting delivery of my handbook in English and I need a bit of advice.

I was in Almeria the other day and decided (foolishly) to park in an underground car park. the entrance to which at first entry was fine in both height & width but it then narrowed considerably due to concrete pillars which were not visible on first entry.

Because I was on a down slope and trapped in the entrance tunnel, it was not possible to reverse out, so I was committed to going forward. The gap available actually narrowed to about a centimetre on each side as I inched through into the parking area.

I wanted to retract the mirrors into the doors, but I didn't know how to do it. I know the mirrors will retract on switch off (parking) by holding the lock button down, but is there a way of retracting them (manually or otherwise) in a situation as described above?

The exit wasn't much better. Wide enough, but on a vicious dogleg that made it difficult.

Fortunately I got in & out unscathed, but whilst the missus was impressed with the manoeuvring and lack of contact, she has suggested that we give underground car parks a miss in future. ( I think she's right.)

I would be grateful for any help as regards retracting the mirrors.

On the drivers door edge there’s the button you use to adjust the mirrors turn the switch to about the 10 o’clock position there’s the icon that instigates the mirrors folding in. Hope that helps

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On the drivers door edge there’s the button you use to adjust the mirrors turn the switch to about the 10 o’clock position there’s the icon that instigates the mirrors folding in. Hope that helps

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Ahh, brill thanks. To be honest I never thought to look at that!
Ahh, brill thanks. To be honest I never thought to look at that!
I've just been out to look at the switch. I had never noticed the retract function, as I couldn't see it when sat in the seat. This thing has too many knobs bells and whistles lol.

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