VIP Member
This weekend, after 8 years of having this problem, it got really jammed. Once I got it slid back under the bed I attacked the side runners with silicone spray it now opens and shuts with ease, so much so that the other old chestnut of a problem, the roof blind opening on its own whilst driving, is now worse than it ever was. I’ve just envisaged a possible dangerous scenario. The roof blind opens fully without driver noticing and all of a sudden driver is blinded by bellows canvas dropping down in front of drivers eyes. !You'll need to pull the blind out of its hole completely when the bed is raised.
Basically the sections of the blind run out of alignment on the sides causing it to jam.
Once you've got it out tap them back into alignment and put the blind back in. Its a 5 minute fix.
Ours used to drive me mad but has been fine since i did this.
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