roof rattle



Blatnica, SVK
T6 Coast 102
Hi for past year I am fighting with roof (at least I think it is roof) rattle.

It happens only when its warm enough outside or I push heater high, it definitely occurs less or none when outside temperature is low (freezing). It occurs even if roof if opened and car moves.
It happens when car moves and goes on uneven road (I think it happens when car flexes the roof).

Dealer is clueless nevertheless I have another appointment scheduled for Monday.

You can hear rattle on video, to my knowledge source is near connection of windshield and roof.

Any ideas? Thank you,
Only way to find a ratlle is to unload every bit that is loose in the Cali an you possibly can take out. Than ride with someone in the rear checking things .
You say it comes from the front but might as well be from behind
I suppose you checked the roof mecanism ? Yours is a coast with manual roof so less things in there ...did you checked the straping to hold the manual roof down ?
The sunglas storage in the roofconsole is empty ?
I doubt this is the roof but could be something loose under the mattras , the roller blind to close the roof hatch , loose bits behind the housing where the lights are above the door , the awning .
Did you check the folding table in the sliding door and the space behind it ?
Very annoing but very hard to find sometimes.
Yea I know rattle of table and all the interior things from behind very well, this is different. It really happens only when temps are up to 15C or so. When I open roof, go with the car around the garden it still goes from the front :( Seems like the source is inside front part of roof extension that is glued to roof base.
Windscreen blinds? Try pulling them out a bit?
I had a very similar noise intermittent too. Tracked it down to awning case which was not aligning all the way along its length when closed. Solved the problem by using a very thin strip of self adhesive velcro (looped side only), along the closing edge. Noise free for one year now. :)
We also had annoying rattle that was traced to the awning. Winding it in and out a few times cured our rattle, but it didn't sound like your rattle.
I think that is the sound of some plastic trim creaking as the van body flexes. It is quite likely to be during warmer weather as the plastic has expanded.

Which bit of trim is another question!

I had a similar rattle, admittedly not that loud. It took quite a while to resolve. In my case it was the awning cover not fully closing at the front, the back was fine. After several openings and closings, the issue seems to have gone away. The awning cover is now tight against the body along its full length.
in my case awning is quite unlike the reason, bcs it comes from opposite side, I even tried to open window to awning side (passenger side) and no sound coming from there, and no modification to sound of the rattle

its definitely not window blind and I have not been able to locate it with touch, its still just sound

my bet for now seems to be connection between roof base and chassis, there is some kind of black glue in between

and it only happens when body flexes (rear axle is different angle than front one)
I have recently started to get a squeak from the same spot which is quite annoying... Anyone had that?

I suspect either the awning needs tightening to the brackets. It often goes away when the roof is put up and down again but doesnt stay away for long.
Bonnet hinges? Try a smear of candle wax on the pad that the hinge closes on. Also try the same treatment on the bonnet stop bump rubbers.
no its not bonnet, tried it with bonnet opened, tried wipers and their mechanism as well, its coming from the top
no its not bonnet, tried it with bonnet opened, tried wipers and their mechanism as well, its coming from the top
OK, still thinking.......
no its not bonnet, tried it with bonnet opened, tried wipers and their mechanism as well, its coming from the top
Nothing in the Sunglass Holder?
Yes sounds a bit like a loose awning roll . We had that . Roll it up tightly .
Oh boy you sure are going far to get to the bottom of this , must be very very annoying:confused:

Hope you find it , i'm running out of clues here...
Sounds like two surface creaking together. Try squirting some soapy water selectively along any joins to see if it quietens; or you could use silicone spray if it isn’t likely to damage anything.
Time to carefully remove the A pillar trim and take a look.
Ok guys its fixed now, sadly I have no photos but heres description what they have done:

there is in the end work description in their systems
they had to cut front side of the roof (windshield) and to replace some aluminium spacers that had been rubbing inside aluminium base with plastic ones, then they glued widshield replacement into place

no there is no such creaking sound as before, it took them 3 months to figure out but at last..

now into another problem engine coolant is periodically missing :) well its not toyota after all :)
Hi for past year I am fighting with roof (at least I think it is roof) rattle.

It happens only when its warm enough outside or I push heater high, it definitely occurs less or none when outside temperature is low (freezing). It occurs even if roof if opened and car moves.
It happens when car moves and goes on uneven road (I think it happens when car flexes the roof).

Dealer is clueless nevertheless I have another appointment scheduled for Monday.

You can hear rattle on video, to my knowledge source is near connection of windshield and roof.

Any ideas? Thank you,
Check the plastic trims which run down either side of the windscreen and meet the dash. I had a very annoying rattle/creak due to this trim and solved it with a small felt pad between trim and dash on one side
Ok guys its fixed now, sadly I have no photos but heres description what they have done:

there is in the end work description in their systems
they had to cut front side of the roof (windshield) and to replace some aluminium spacers that had been rubbing inside aluminium base with plastic ones, then they glued widshield replacement into place

no there is no such creaking sound as before, it took them 3 months to figure out but at last..

now into another problem engine coolant is periodically missing :) well its not toyota after all :)
Hello. We seem to have the same problem but my English is not good enough to fully understand what you or your dealer did to solve the problem. Could you give some details please? Thx!

VW California Club
