Roof seal damage at recall . Repair or not



Blackdown hills, Somerset
T5 SE 180
My 2015 T5.1 SE had the roof recall done last month.
The tape was applied and the rubber seems to have been glued back on.
But I noticed that they had torn the rubber near the drivers door. Not enough to effect its sealing.E1EC76D7-5C01-40A1-8F5E-F61A7D26F8AB.jpeg35E0F58D-4BB1-4B5E-A1FF-7B55784B03AA.jpeg
The VW garage say they will replace the seal. BUT. Now it is glued on, how will they remove it? Could the do more damage using heat or a scraper?
I understand there was no corrosion
Am I best just to leave it, may be just silicone the gap?
I understand somebody here has had similar problems and the seal replaced. How did it go
Thanks for your thoughts
....or even worse...
The seal should not be glued on anyway , that's pretty dumb to do .
Only VW UK does this .
Definately warranty repair by a new one, properly installed!!
Hi VW UK no longer bond the seal it was part of the instructions for the first couple of weeks then dropped the seal should not be bonded at all anymore and looking at yours it should of been replaced as part of the workshop action

VW California Club
