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Rusty chassis



Home is where you park it !
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T5 SE 174
Hi all, took under tray off today and chassis / subframe is showing signs of rust has anybody had waxol treatment done ?
Any advice what to do would be welcome. Also can it be a diy job .
Hi all, took under tray off today and chassis / subframe is showing signs of rust has anybody had waxol treatment done ?
Any advice what to do would be welcome. Also can it be a diy job .
Waxoyl or DiNitrol are the usual treatments. Wire brush and spray. Messy but easily done as DIY. Use disposable overalls as it gets everywhere. Used to do it on my Land Rover Defender. Had to do it annually but then everything was exposed, no underbody trays/protection.
I don't use Waxoyl anymore as I found that if doesn't last quite so well as Dinitrol. I have just done our latest van using Dintrol Corroheat 4010 Clear High Temperature Wax. It is easy to apply using the special applicator spray attachment. Warm the tins before hand and shake well. Mask off the brakes with a big plastic bag and avoid getting any on the exhaust. There's no real point in spraying the underfloor body shell as that's been galvanised dipped so just conscentrate on everything else. Anyway VW already appear to have treated the body pressings with there own wax product. I usually either run one end of the vehicle up onto portable ramps and after doing the underside, I drop it down and remove one wheel at a time to do each corner. Make sure it's properly propped before going anywhere near the underneath.
If it’s just surface rust on the subframes and suspension components then another option is to remove this with a wire blush / flap wheel and use POR-15 paint to seal it up then the above suggestions as a protective addition.
I don't use Waxoyl anymore as I found that if doesn't last quite so well as Dinitrol. I have just done our latest van using Dintrol Corroheat 4010 Clear High Temperature Wax. It is easy to apply using the special applicator spray attachment. Warm the tins before hand and shake well. Mask off the brakes with a big plastic bag and avoid getting any on the exhaust. There's no real point in spraying the underfloor body shell as that's been galvanised dipped so just conscentrate on everything else. Anyway VW already appear to have treated the body pressings with there own wax product. I usually either run one end of the vehicle up onto portable ramps and after doing the underside, I drop it down and remove one wheel at a time to do each corner. Make sure it's properly propped before going anywhere near the underneath.
Hi Borris,
How much dintrol did you use ? Also did you use the aerosol cans or there applicator ?
Hi Borris,
How much dintrol did you use ? Also did you use the aerosol cans or there applicator ?
Hello Jeff,
I used 4 aerosol tins. They contain quite a lot of product so that's plenty to do everything you can see without removing anything except the spare. I do intend to remove the undershields when the weather improves in order to finish the job off, so I will be ordering two more. Note to self - I shall have to be careful around the diesel parking heater.

If you do this job spray everything that's painted black. Springs, swinging arms, brackets, brake back plates, anti roll bars, sub frame etc oh and the silver painted spare wheel of course. These parts only get a coat of black paint which in my experience offers little long term protection. They will start to go south as soon a salt reaches them, probably sooner. It's really only a cosmetic issue as these components are generally made of stout stuff so a bit of surface rust isn't really a major issue. However I don't like rust!

There was a thread sometime ago where owners were reporting that VW weren't even bothering to paint some underbody components, anti roll bars from memory. They seem to have stopped that penny pinching little wheeze.

Just one more thing, give any bolts and fixings etc a good squirt. It's my experience that those circular whatnots that secure the heat shields etc in place can corrode over time and fail leading to rattles and resonance. They are only a few pence to replace but a squirt of wax will stop that happening.
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Hi guys, I remove all the under trays yearly to check and clean components. I use the ‘waxoyl’ ‘clear’. It comes in spray cans for convenience but work out more expensive. Not tried Dinitrol but am aware that it probably is better but as I’m under there once a year ‘waxoyl’ has been great. As mentioned, anything painted black gets coated (including the washers that secure the heat shields ). I find it goes further when a small amount is sprayed on then using a gloved hand, spread it over surface. You can usually get your fingers onto & into most places. Good for inspecting all components as your physically looking / checking as you go. It dries with a nice clear - ish waxy coating. Our Cali ‘Jackie’ will be 5 yrs this Aug but she looks brand new underneath.
I don't use Waxoyl anymore as I found that if doesn't last quite so well as Dinitrol. I have just done our latest van using Dintrol Corroheat 4010 Clear High Temperature Wax. It is easy to apply using the special applicator spray attachment. Warm the tins before hand and shake well. Mask off the brakes with a big plastic bag and avoid getting any on the exhaust. There's no real point in spraying the underfloor body shell as that's been galvanised dipped so just conscentrate on everything else. Anyway VW already appear to have treated the body pressings with there own wax product. I usually either run one end of the vehicle up onto portable ramps and after doing the underside, I drop it down and remove one wheel at a time to do each corner. Make sure it's properly propped before going anywhere near the underneath.
Any photos Borris ?
Any photos Borris ?
Hello Trebor,
I assume you mean the van and not the underside during the spray process? I'm afraid I didn't think to take any photos of that messy process. Silly me!

Anyway just in case you mean photos of the van here are a few snaps of our new Beach albeit still sporting its Cascaval alloy wheels. I removed those as soon as I got the vehicle home and replaced them with a set of "delivery miles" Devonports with 4season tyres. I will probably sell the Cascavels in the spring.

Very Nice Borris . Is that a Majic Carpet Ride ?

I did mean underneath though . How many panels do you remove ? I used to do this in the Olden Days with Land / Range Rovers but they were easier to get underneath!
Very Nice Borris . Is that a Majic Carpet Ride ?

I did mean underneath though . How many panels do you remove ? I used to do this in the Olden Days with Land / Range Rovers but they were easier to get underneath!
I did wonder. I will take some snaps when I
do phase 2. So far I have sprayed the underside thoroughly but haven't removed the undertrays yet. Rain stopped play I'm afraid.
Best wishes
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