Sat nav destination entry by postcode



VIP Member
T6 Beach 150
Without going into the why's and wherefore's i've just had to have the discover media unit replaced in my '17 plate beach. Aside from the navigation voice now resembling the love child of a Darlick and Tony Blair, it now won't allow me to enter a destination by postcode, whereas the previous one did. Is this normal ?
I've run through the sat nav settings and can't see where to change it, assuming it's possible, but maybe i'm just being a bit dim.
Any advice would be welcome !
Enter New des

Select City

Look in bottom left hand corner. Ptcd

I tend to use this more often though as more accurate.


It took me ages to find the tiny Ptcd at the bottom left corner too!
Its hardly user intuitive!
One feature I used to love about the SE sat nav was the rocket ship.. I can't find it on the Ocean Sat Nav.. but that said it could be tiny RkTSHp button somewhere lol
For the voice you can change it here:-

On the Main System Settings Menu (not the nav menu) go to the Language Setting, Select UK (English) & then in the Top Left Corner you'll see another Box which allows you to select Male/Female.

Thanks Mike, much appreciated.
Next question if you don’t mind, is it possible to alter the voice at all. The old unit had a reasonable soothing but commanding female voice, just what you need when lost.
The latest one winds me up no end.
Thanks Mike, much appreciated.
Next question if you don’t mind, is it possible to alter the voice at all. The old unit had a reasonable soothing but commanding female voice, just what you need when lost.
The latest one winds me up no end.

As above @Euge you can change male to female.

On the MY 18 Ocean you can just enter the postcode directly in the search "POI/Search". Worked fine for me.

VW California Club
