Scary problem postings

David Eccles

David Eccles

VIP Member
I wonder how many potential buyers are scared off by posts on here about EGR failures, roofs failing totally or ripping canvas, and the like
and how many owners of recent Calis get freaked out by it all ( hands up thats me!)
maybe we should start a
"OK my Cali has had minor niggles or none at all and I still love it" thread?
sometimes one might get impression that if you own a Cali you are in for a major headache
I guess David the forum reflects the way people think.

You very seldom hear when things are good but you certainly hear when things are bad.

If a customer has had a bad experience they will tell at least 10-20 people (Few more people in the case of the Cali forum).

Customers having a good experience will tell about two people.

its very important the community shares the horror stories ...
its just that sometimes on here I find my paranoia increasing especially when I read about new buses with major faults ...
and yes people always share the bad and when its good just enjoy getting on with a smile...
Forums distill issues and make them look worse.

Read, take note, don't panic.
if you want to hide in the dark and never turn the key in your T5 pop over to the T4 forum!
Having been around a large number of automotive fora in my time I think this forum, much more than others, is very good at standing up and saying "hey, I love my van' or 'the 1st 1000miles & still smiling' as well as 'had a great weekend/week/fortnight/month away in our van'
Stu said:
Having been around a large number of automotive fora in my time I think this forum, much more than others, is very good at standing up and saying "hey, I love my van' or 'the 1st 1000miles & still smiling' as well as 'had a great weekend/week/fortnight/month away in our van'

Indeed, much more positive than many.

I was on a forum for...ahem... the other car for a while and it got downright nasty many times. People get hung up on very strange things.
looking at the weather outside and no change in sight and our planned few days in the Cali I think I was just feeling depressed then read about limp mode probs ....
much as I like being in the Cali being penned with a wet dog on a foiggy site is not my idea of fun! wimp..I know...
Feeling sorry for yourself mate :rofl :rofl it is a bad time of year to own a Cali
Everywhere wet and muddy roll on the spring :thumb :thumb
Consumers have a strong tendency to behave like sheep. Who would spend so much money on a silly thing like a car, if there weren't others behaving in the same foolish way? :crazy No really, this is a very friendly forum - like the other Cali fora I know. :hello

VW California Club
