Seat covers, dogs and bike racks



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So, we're about to pick up an ex demo T6 Ocean. We are planning a number of weeks away with our 2 labrador sized dogs and are quite sure that the first thing we need to do is to protect the van. I'd really appreciate any thoughts/advice etc.

Seats - because of the dogs we're thinking we may well want to get seat covers, e.g. http://+++++++++++++++++++++++/prod...-seat-rear-bench-vinyl-alcantara-seat-covers/ but then we probably need a waterproof cover over the top of the bench seat for when wet/muddy dogs sit on the bench seat? I'm hoping to avoid wet/muddy dogs on the front seats - strictly dry clean dogs! Is there a better way? Are any of the seat covers nice to use and washable?

Carpets - thinking of something like but need to work out which colour/weight. Not sure if there's something better?

Bumpers/door sills - what's the best way to protect these from scratches, e.g claws?

Finally, I tried a VW T5 bike rack and despite being a fairly strong/fit 5'7" found it very difficult to get the bikes on the rack in the 2 positions closest to the van - even with light bikes, it's really the depth of the rack that is the problem. Any other suggestions? We could put a towbar on and use our Atera Strada but I think a permanent rack might be easier...

Thanks ever so much.
Seatcovers need to be in the same fabric as the original seats , so hard to tell it is coverd , dislike the plastic looking loose covers....i got Brandrup

Dogs need a bench or a harnass in the seatbelt while driving ( search in the dog section) and when camped all depends on how many in the van and witch dog.
Ours sleeps on the bench seat we sleep upstaires.

Bikerack , got no experience but guess two is better lifting the bike up the rack?
Hello and welcome! Look forward to your new T6!

For the bikes: I'm totally happy with the towbar solution. But thats me: little, small and not Obelix nor Hulk ;) and my bikes are MTB/DH Bikes!

Hower you need a place for to keep the towbar-bike rack, bit you already got one so you already have a place for that piece of kit?

Seatcovers need to be in the same fabric as the original seats , so hard to tell it is coverd , dislike the plastic looking loose covers....i got Brandrup

Dogs need a bench or a harnass in the seatbelt while driving ( search in the dog section) and when camped all depends on how many in the van and witch dog.
Ours sleeps on the bench seat we sleep upstaires.

Bikerack , got no experience but guess two is better lifting the bike up the rack?
Yes, we were thinking one dog on the bench seat and one on a front seat or the floor. The older one doesn't curl well enough for the front seat!

With the bike rack, I'm not sure 2 would help particularly - neither of us could really reach because of the depth of the rack at that height... maybe we need a step, or "go gadget" arms ;-)

Sapto - do you have the Atera Strado too? Does the tailgate open?

Thanks for your help.
Hi Tigger

Yes, I do have an Atera but I think its a "Sport" or something similar (its 2nd Hand) and the tailgate doesen't open. But I think there are actually 2 towbar bikeracks that fit the T6 (feel free to correct me): And these are the Thule G929 and the Atera DL 3. The Uebler p22(?) should fit as well (VW bike rack or tow bar rack on t6

Sometimes even with the "fitting" ones the handbar is to wide for the tailgate (so you have to put the bikes "further" away/in an other position on the rack).

There are quite a lot threads about this subject in the German This might help?

If so let me know and I post the links!

When standing beside the Cali instead of behind , and one taking the front other the rear of the bike ....think it is pretty easy to lift a bike in the rack.
When standing beside the Cali instead of behind , and one taking the front other the rear of the bike ....think it is pretty easy to lift a bike in the rack.

Yes, I went alongside to attach them, but also struggled with the, er, "gutters" that the wheels sit in not being quite wide enough for mountain bikes. These are standard 27.5" MTB wheels, not the big fat ones so it was all just a bit of a struggle at shoulder height/arms length. It was a T5 rack that I was playing with but I imagine that they are similar?

I am only 5ft 4 and the only adult and have coped well with the standard VW bike rack but I carry a collapsible flat step stool and I do have a heavy bike. Mydaughtersbike is nearly as big as mine and will soon be exchanged for an adult one. Would love to get the new A bikes electric version which concertina right down but just need the money.
I am only 5ft 4 and the only adult and have coped well with the standard VW bike rack but I carry a collapsible flat step stool and I do have a heavy bike. Mydaughtersbike is nearly as big as mine and will soon be exchanged for an adult one. Would love to get the new A bikes electric version which concertina right down but just need the money.
And you do have that very large spring!

VW California Club
