Senior moment?



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Left supermarket car park in Fort William last week and as I was driving along I was thinking the van behind had a very noisy engine. Then I realised our rear tailgate was open! :oops:

Pulled ever and fortunately nothing had fallen out. What amazed me is that there were no warning buzzers and the dashboard display didn't seem to indicate a door open.

Checking the display more closely, it actually does but you wouldn't notice the difference - try it!

So beware, it's easy to do if there are two of you and each thinks the other has closed the tailgate, and the back is piled up with bedding ...

Now, what was I talking about just now .... hang on, where did I park the van? :D
We did this & left a trail of shoes, towels & bedding through a small Greek village!
We did this & left a trail of shoes, towels & bedding through a small Greek village!
Not just me then!

The Greeks would be very grateful for your droppings in their current predicament :D
We've done it too - driving through Aberdeen. Alerted by passing motorist. Deeply embarrassing. Now make point of checking door is closed. You are not alone! K
The answer to this problem is that you always travel with bikes on the rack!
I have a few times driven off with tailgate open. It surprises me that there are no warnings. Last time my shopping was deposited all over a services slip road :shocked
Your post makes me feel less stupid. So I now feel free to confess that l've also driven out of a supermarket TWICE leaving the rear door open, luckily on both occasions another driver has hooted to alert us. I can't ever remember doing it in any other car over the last 50 years! So is it a known California fault or just driver age related? I definitely think a warning buzzer would be a good idea.

Come on you younger drivers - confess you've also done it and make us oldies feel better!
I was congratulating myself on my choice of parking pitch in a village, in front of post office today while I went for a long walk.....came back to the van untouched...despite the tailgate being left open! The man doing the gardening outside said everyone was admiring the van and I was lucky a villager hadn't kidnapped it!
Leaving the site in Devon last summer, my wife went to reception to pay while I sorted the van. I said meet you up there. As I drove through the camp people were waving and I waved back. Then one guy shouted "your roof is up" quick thinking and to save embarrassment I shouted back "the wife is still in bed". Pulled up at reception to close the roof only to see my wife mouthing the words
"Bloody fool". I have never been allowed to forget that moment:(
leaving Volksfling wondered why everyone waving then realised oops forgot to shut tailgate
added now to list of stuff to double check like ensure hook up lead disconnected when driving out for day...also done once but luckily spotted in time!!!!
I always put a loop of yellow velcro around the steering wheel when the EHU is plugged in to remind me. Looks like I'll have to get more different colour bands for all the other things I'm likely to forget :D
We did the same thing the other week. It's funny how it makes no difference visually, ie when you look in the mirror or look round. I was just conscious of a slightly odd noise, and then worked out what it was ... hasty stop!! luckily nothing seemed to have fallen out.
I once washed out the back of an ambulance and left the rear doors open in warm weather to assist with drying. Yes youve guesed! I drove off with them open! Didnt know until i stopped and was told by another driver. Fortunately, I never did that with a patient in the back!
I drove out of Norton Canes services in our Passat and noticed one or two people waving at me and then a couple standing on the edge of the carpark gave me a really disapproving glare just as I started to accelerate...... It was then that l realised the tailgate was open with our Labradors lying asleep with their paws hanging neatly over the edge of the boot :shocked.
I left the house this morning and had to rob the kids seat out the van as the one in the car seems to have broken. I dropped my daughter off at childcare and remembered that I had left my access card for work at home. Pulled into driveway and tailgate and side door of van were still open :Nailbiting

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