Sliding Door Alarm!!



VIP Member
OK, we have been on tour for 5 weeks around Scandinavia and now Europe and are getting slightly fed up with the alarm on the sliding door - Doesn't help that we are the only ones on the campsites that have this "nosie" everytime we close the door - Sooooo does anyone know if it is possible to turn it off ??? :crazy
Sorry I don't think you can turn it off :headwall :headwall
Thank you for your reply - It gets to the point that you would rather crawl out the back to sort the BBQ out than upset the people in a campervan next to you!!! Also echoes around the quiet campsites if you get up in the early hours of the morning to let the dogs out!! Maybe something VW need to look into - Know the safey and all that but surely as a "campervan" we should be able to make our own choices ......... :laugh2
I ended up using the passenger door to avoid waking the campsite up this summer....
hedy1962 said:
Thank you for your reply - It gets to the point that you would rather crawl out the back to sort the BBQ out than upset the people in a campervan next to you!!! Also echoes around the quiet campsites if you get up in the early hours of the morning to let the dogs out!! Maybe something VW need to look into - Know the safey and all that but surely as a "campervan" we should be able to make our own choices ......... :laugh2

I know what you mean about the noise i used to worry about ours but don't bother about it now. Nobody has ever complained so it probably isn't as bad as you think.

You realise you can turn off the electric operation don't you? There's a button on the dash that turns it on and off so you can use it manually.
Its quite hard to use due to the resistance of the motors but is possible.

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Fantastic - One of our other gripes was that we couldn't use the door manually!!! Soooooo sitting here in a campsite in Austria we have now pressed the button and "hey presto" we can have everything we want!! No alarm, door open where we want it and also now know what the button was for!!! Happy campers and now off to finish cooking BBQ in freezing cold Innsbruck!! Thank you very much for your help :D
Glad to help!
Austria is also on my to do list, Switzerland has been lovely and warm today :grin:

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
I hoped that the Alarm/Warning would have a volume control which would be adjustable via diagnostics.

I had a look at Heather & Gary's recently but VCDS doesn't currently have any information on the controller for the door. I plan to investigate further at some stage.
Excuse the ignorance, as I am a California newbie, but I am not sure what you all mean by 'alarm' on the sliding door. Is this just the motor noise to seal the door (referred to as 'mooing' by my children)? If there is any other sort of alarm noise, then mine doesn't seem to have that problem.

Hi Simon - It is the warning alarm as the door begins to close - Kind of a "beep beep beep" sound like when a lorry is reversing (hope that makes sense)
Ah, interesting. I am relieved to hear that my door is not on the blink - it is a manual one, hence the lack of beeping. I really must get round to reading that manual ...


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