Sliding Door Power Latch



T5 SE 180
I am sure this has been discussed many times and I do apologise.
We have a T5.1 with the electric sliding door and power latch.
When we are parked up camping we put the door in manual mode so we don’t wake people up with the beeping at night.
Over the 6 years we have had the van the power latch will occasionally turn from the open position to the closed position while the door is open.
When this occurs we just reset the door and carry on enjoying life.
However this is now becoming more frequent, sometimes happening within 10 minutes of having the door open.

Can anyone tell me why this occurs and how I can reduce the occurrence.

Thank you all
I can’t help. But just wanted to suggest you may get more response if you post in the folder relating to doors / locks. Or ask one of the mods to move your post there. Good luck in finding an answer.

VW California Club
