Slow page load in new forum... Help!



VW and loving it...
Hi guys, is it just me or is there an issue with page load times now the new Forum is up and running?

Everything was fine for the first few days, but now it's getting to the point of being nearly unusable.

Page loads are taking from 15 to 30 seconds, particulalrly if it involves a search such as "new posts". (hence have my apologies if the has been addressed somewhere else but I can't find anything :) )

Oddly it's quite a lot quicker if I'm not logged in and viewing as a guest, no idea why this might be.

Running Winows Vista/XP/7 or MacOS and Firefox or Chrome.

Any help appreciated.


It's way faster than before for me and hasn't changed since the change was made a week or so ago.
It's way faster than before for me and hasn't changed since the change was made a week or so ago.

Very strange... may be something with my profile.

Took 3 minutes to load this original post and had to try do that twice....

Maybe it's me ;)
Not having and issues using windows or Android tablet
No problems with Macbook & Safari
Mind you, today at work we noticed that certain pages were slow to load, or would not load at all, while others worked fine; so maybe it's a network issue.
Mind you, today at work we noticed that certain pages were slow to load, or would not load at all, while others worked fine; so maybe it's a network issue.

Yup... that's pretty much the symptoms I'm getting much of the time.

At least I now don't think I'm going mad.

Odd that two people (so far) disagree with my call for help... they disagree that it's happening to me or they disagree that I should get help..? ;)
OK guys... now pretty much OK.

only time I suffer is if I try to jump straight to the "new posts" link without hitting the home page first. (This I can live with)

So... If someones done something... Good work and thanks for sorting.



VW California Club
