Slow Page Load... Help needed



VW and loving it...
Hi guys,

For the past few days I've been suffering from very slow page loads... 3 or 4 minutes.

It's got to the point it's unusable and I can only access via Tapatalk.

It's the same on several machines, different browsers. (Chrome, Firefox or Safari) and different broadband networks... Tried from McDs and Cosra... All networks running at good speeds and tested with Ookla.

I've also cleared cookies and history to see if that made a difference.

No problem with any. other forum or website.

Had it once before on changeover, not a general problem but linked to my profile or the way I'm accessing the forum.

Help or suggestions appreciated

no issues for me on pc or android
no issues for me on pc or android

Don't think it's a general forum thing, appears to be related to my profile... Same on PC (Vista, XP & 7), Mac OSX, iOS all from different networks.

As menitoned, had it once before when no others were suffering.
Hi guys... not sure if one of the Admins have done something... If you have, then spot on.. it's worked.

All back to normal after 3 days of pain.

Thanks for the very prompt action.


I think you get 3 days punishment for every critical post that you make of the management......
I should add it also happened to me these last three days, and also any other time I've been critical of those running the forum.....
I'm sure it's just a coincidence..?
Been fine for me, it won't help your paranoia but some forums have an option to 'throttle' users. I have the option on my forum.. used it once on a guy many years ago that kept posting unrelated nonsense and abusing users when he was drunk.. I'm sure its nothing like that lol thou :thumb
Thanks Paul, makes me feel much better... o_O

Paranoia indeed, who called me that? Who was it? Are they watching me now? :)

VW California Club
