Gen X
Yep, that was the 1950's I remember except we were posh. We had a car. Well actually it was a battered old green ex GPO (General Post Office ) Telephone van with bald tyres and rubber wings. My father put windows in it and seats in the back. We had to have it because my mum had contracted Polio. It was all the rage in the fifties. After a spell in an iron lung she recovered enough to get about a bit but not without various aids and help. It was because of that that we had to move from our new council house to a "bungalow" called a Prefab. Prefabs were the post war version of these cardboard houses they are throwing up everywhere today. They were built to meet the lack of housing at that time. They were a quick fix and were made from ex WW2 aluminium scrap. They weren't a bad design but had next to no insulation and no central heating that I can recall. They were bloody freezing in winter.Baby Boomer (1950)
Not allowed to wear jeans on a Sunday
Not allowed to go out the front gate on a Sunday
Nothing open on a Sunday.
Short trousers until I was 12
1d bus ride to Saturday cinema which cost 6d.
Travelled by steam trains or buses everywhere
Long walk to school bus stop, in shorts, in the snow. Long walk bag, aged 6+ alone.
1 packet of fruit gums a week
First bicycle cost £1.10s
No tv
No central heating (internal frost on windows)
No car
No fitted carpets
No casual clothes, went on holiday in school uniform
Woolen swimming trunks
BoomerThe Generations
Which Generation are You?
By Michael T. Robinson
Which Generation are You?
(*age if still alive today)
Generation Name Births
Age Today*Oldest Age
Today*The Lost Generation
The Generation of 19141890 1915 105 130 The Interbellum Generation 1901 1913 107 119 The Greatest Generation 1910 1924 96 110 The Silent Generation 1925 1945 75 95 Baby Boomer Generation 1946 1964 56 74 Generation X (Baby Bust) 1965 1979 41 55 Xennials 1975 1985 35 45 Millennials
Generation Y, Gen Next1980 1994 26 40 iGen / Gen Z 1995 2012 8 25 Gen Alpha 2013 2025 1 7
Note: Dates are approximate and there is some overlap because there are no standard definitions for when a generation begins and ends. See the section below about why this overlap.
Notes on Each of the Latest Cultural Generations
iGen / Gen Z: Born between 1995 and 2012
As of 2017 most of these folks are still too young to have made an impact. However the older ones might be fighting our war in Afghanistan. The younger ones are hopefully still in school and planning on careers and jobs that will have strong demand and generate new opportunities.
I'm personally optimistic about the iGen'ers.
According to Jean Twenge PhD., author of "iGen, Why Today's Super-Connected Kids are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy ....", iGens are different in these respects:
(Jean Twenge's writings on generations differs from others. She uses historical surveys and 1 on 1 interviews, rather than just theorizing and speculating. She is a serious researcher, and a professor at San Diego University)
iGen'ers are:
- Much more tolerant of others - different cultures, sexual orientations, races
- More cautious, less risk taking
- Less drinking and drug taking in high school
- Less likely to go to church
- More likely to think for themselves and not believe authority figures in church or government
- Delaying having serious romantic relationships
- Less teen pregnancy
- Fewer run aways
- Delaying driving, and fewer teen driving accidents
- Less time spent in shopping malls
- Less likely to go out to see a movie
- More likely to use Instagram than Facebook
Whereas Millenials were raised to think they were special and that they could become anything they dreamed of, and then after graduating they found that Boomers had let millions of jobs slip out of the country, iGen'ers have seen this, and are far more cautious and less optimistic and maybe less naive.
On the potentially negative side, iGens are known for:
- Less "in person" and "face to face" contact with others due to more time connecting via smart phones
- Heavy use of gaming
- Less reading of books, and newspapers
- Grew up more supervised, more protected than prior generations
- Less experience with teen jobs and earning money in high school
- May stay up till 2 AM using smart phone and social media
- Possibly more depressed than prior generations
- Feels more lonely, and not needed
- Possibly a higher suicide rate
The Millennials grew up and began their careers in a time when:
- Almost every home (except 3rd world countries) had an internet connection and a computer
- 2008, the largest economic decline since the great depression
- 911 Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
- The effect of 20+ years of offshoring of American jobs is finally felt
- Enron - energy trading scams and corporate fraud on a national level
- Global warming becoming obvious with unusually severe storms, hotter weather, colder weather, more droughts etc
- President G. W. Bush, Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney deceived the entire nation about weapons of mass destruction of the nuclear and biological type and the subsequent invasion and occupation of Iraq
- The explosive growth in online companies such as Google, Facebook, SalesForce.com, LinkedIn, EBay, PayPal
- A revolution in the way we work, including widespread acceptance of flex-time, work from home, freelancing
- The US is divided 50:50 with different and opposite fundamental beliefs and values
- Way too many crazy people are shooting their fellow Americans with weapons of rapid destruction
- Congress becoming dysfunctional
- Housing prices growing beyond most young people's reach
The cohort known as "Xennials" are composed of the oldest Millenials. This is a "crossover generation."
Born roughly between 1975 and 1985 plus or minus a few years.
The idea being that Xennials are more like the preceding Gen X than they are like Millenials.
According to Australian Sociologist, Dan Woodman, "The theory goes that the Xennials dated, and often formed ongoing relationships, pre-social media. They usually weren't on Tinder or Grindr, for their first go at dating at least. They called up their friends and the person they wanted to ask out on a landline phone, hoping that it wasn't their intended date's parent who picked up."
Gen X: Born between 1965 and 1979
According to WikiPedia, Gen X was originally called "Gen Bust" because their birth rate was vastly smaller than the preceding Baby Boomers.
Gen X'ers were the first generation to experience:
- The highest level of education in the US to date
- The 1976 Arab Oil Debacle and the first gas shortages in the US
- The price of gold soaring to $1000/oz for the first time
- The fall of the Berlin Wall and the splitting apart of the Soviet Union
- MTV and the rise of Disco
- China's momentary flirtation with personal freedom and the tragedy of Tiananmen Square
- Fighting in the first Gulf War
- NAFTA where President Bill Clinton paves the way to give away millions of American jobs
Baby Boomers: Born between 1946 and 1964
Baby Boomers are defined as being from the huge population increase that followed World War II, and the Great Depression.
They grew up in a time of prosperity and an absence of world wars. They were the Flower Children, taking LSD and protesting the war in Vietnam.
Unlike their parents who grew up during the Great Depression, Boomers became the great consumers. They became famous for spending every dollar they earned.
This was the first Western Generation to grow up with two cars in every garage and a chicken in every pot.
Baby Boomer spending and consumerism has fueled the world economies.
The Baby Boomers fought for environmental protection.
Baby Boomers were the first generation to experience:
- A time of unparalleled national optimism and prosperity
- The Cold War, fear of a nuclear attack from Russia, bomb shelters and hiding under a desk at school
- The assassination of President John F. Kennedy
- The assassination of Martin Luther King
- The confidence building from putting a man on the moon
- The incredible waste and destruction of the War in Vietnam
- The Civil Rights Movement
The Silent Generation: Born between 1925 and 1945
Those of the Silent Generation were born during the Great Depression. Their parents were mostly of the Lost Generation.
They grew up expecting a hard life. This was the era when a Christmas present might be a orange or a full meal.
They are called the Silent Generation because as a group they were not loud. They did not protest in Washington. There were no major wars to protest.
The Greatest Generation: Born between 1910 and 1924
Those of the Greatest Generation grew up during the Great Depression and probably fought in World War II. They are also known as the GI Joe Generation.
They are the parents of the Baby Boomers.
They were named the Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw, famous News Broadcaster. Brokaw said they were the greatest because they fought for what was right rather than fighting for selfish reasons.
They certainly made great self sacrifices, fighting to protect people in other countries from the likes of Hitler, Mussolini and Japanese Kamikaze suicide bombers.
Makes one wonder what they will call those bankers and insurance company executives who fought only for personal gain thus creating the 2007-2009 financial collapse.
Every generation thinks they are the first to invent sex.Generation seX.
well son we were evicted from our cardboard box on the central reservation of the M1. etc!You were lucky. I lived in a cardboard box and had to walk seventy five miles to school, each way, bare foot.....................but we were happy.![]()
The Generations
Which Generation are You?
By Michael T. Robinson
Which Generation are You?
(*age if still alive today)
Generation Name Births
Age Today*Oldest Age
Today*The Lost Generation
The Generation of 19141890 1915 105 130 The Interbellum Generation 1901 1913 107 119 The Greatest Generation 1910 1924 96 110 The Silent Generation 1925 1945 75 95 Baby Boomer Generation 1946 1964 56 74 Generation X (Baby Bust) 1965 1979 41 55 Xennials 1975 1985 35 45 Millennials
Generation Y, Gen Next1980 1994 26 40 iGen / Gen Z 1995 2012 8 25 Gen Alpha 2013 2025 1 7
Note: Dates are approximate and there is some overlap because there are no standard definitions for when a generation begins and ends. See the section below about why this overlap.
Notes on Each of the Latest Cultural Generations
iGen / Gen Z: Born between 1995 and 2012
As of 2017 most of these folks are still too young to have made an impact. However the older ones might be fighting our war in Afghanistan. The younger ones are hopefully still in school and planning on careers and jobs that will have strong demand and generate new opportunities.
I'm personally optimistic about the iGen'ers.
According to Jean Twenge PhD., author of "iGen, Why Today's Super-Connected Kids are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy ....", iGens are different in these respects:
(Jean Twenge's writings on generations differs from others. She uses historical surveys and 1 on 1 interviews, rather than just theorizing and speculating. She is a serious researcher, and a professor at San Diego University)
iGen'ers are:
- Much more tolerant of others - different cultures, sexual orientations, races
- More cautious, less risk taking
- Less drinking and drug taking in high school
- Less likely to go to church
- More likely to think for themselves and not believe authority figures in church or government
- Delaying having serious romantic relationships
- Less teen pregnancy
- Fewer run aways
- Delaying driving, and fewer teen driving accidents
- Less time spent in shopping malls
- Less likely to go out to see a movie
- More likely to use Instagram than Facebook
Whereas Millenials were raised to think they were special and that they could become anything they dreamed of, and then after graduating they found that Boomers had let millions of jobs slip out of the country, iGen'ers have seen this, and are far more cautious and less optimistic and maybe less naive.
On the potentially negative side, iGens are known for:
- Less "in person" and "face to face" contact with others due to more time connecting via smart phones
- Heavy use of gaming
- Less reading of books, and newspapers
- Grew up more supervised, more protected than prior generations
- Less experience with teen jobs and earning money in high school
- May stay up till 2 AM using smart phone and social media
- Possibly more depressed than prior generations
- Feels more lonely, and not needed
- Possibly a higher suicide rate
The Millennials grew up and began their careers in a time when:
- Almost every home (except 3rd world countries) had an internet connection and a computer
- 2008, the largest economic decline since the great depression
- 911 Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
- The effect of 20+ years of offshoring of American jobs is finally felt
- Enron - energy trading scams and corporate fraud on a national level
- Global warming becoming obvious with unusually severe storms, hotter weather, colder weather, more droughts etc
- President G. W. Bush, Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney deceived the entire nation about weapons of mass destruction of the nuclear and biological type and the subsequent invasion and occupation of Iraq
- The explosive growth in online companies such as Google, Facebook, SalesForce.com, LinkedIn, EBay, PayPal
- A revolution in the way we work, including widespread acceptance of flex-time, work from home, freelancing
- The US is divided 50:50 with different and opposite fundamental beliefs and values
- Way too many crazy people are shooting their fellow Americans with weapons of rapid destruction
- Congress becoming dysfunctional
- Housing prices growing beyond most young people's reach
The cohort known as "Xennials" are composed of the oldest Millenials. This is a "crossover generation."
Born roughly between 1975 and 1985 plus or minus a few years.
The idea being that Xennials are more like the preceding Gen X than they are like Millenials.
According to Australian Sociologist, Dan Woodman, "The theory goes that the Xennials dated, and often formed ongoing relationships, pre-social media. They usually weren't on Tinder or Grindr, for their first go at dating at least. They called up their friends and the person they wanted to ask out on a landline phone, hoping that it wasn't their intended date's parent who picked up."
Gen X: Born between 1965 and 1979
According to WikiPedia, Gen X was originally called "Gen Bust" because their birth rate was vastly smaller than the preceding Baby Boomers.
Gen X'ers were the first generation to experience:
- The highest level of education in the US to date
- The 1976 Arab Oil Debacle and the first gas shortages in the US
- The price of gold soaring to $1000/oz for the first time
- The fall of the Berlin Wall and the splitting apart of the Soviet Union
- MTV and the rise of Disco
- China's momentary flirtation with personal freedom and the tragedy of Tiananmen Square
- Fighting in the first Gulf War
- NAFTA where President Bill Clinton paves the way to give away millions of American jobs
Baby Boomers: Born between 1946 and 1964
Baby Boomers are defined as being from the huge population increase that followed World War II, and the Great Depression.
They grew up in a time of prosperity and an absence of world wars. They were the Flower Children, taking LSD and protesting the war in Vietnam.
Unlike their parents who grew up during the Great Depression, Boomers became the great consumers. They became famous for spending every dollar they earned.
This was the first Western Generation to grow up with two cars in every garage and a chicken in every pot.
Baby Boomer spending and consumerism has fueled the world economies.
The Baby Boomers fought for environmental protection.
Baby Boomers were the first generation to experience:
- A time of unparalleled national optimism and prosperity
- The Cold War, fear of a nuclear attack from Russia, bomb shelters and hiding under a desk at school
- The assassination of President John F. Kennedy
- The assassination of Martin Luther King
- The confidence building from putting a man on the moon
- The incredible waste and destruction of the War in Vietnam
- The Civil Rights Movement
The Silent Generation: Born between 1925 and 1945
Those of the Silent Generation were born during the Great Depression. Their parents were mostly of the Lost Generation.
They grew up expecting a hard life. This was the era when a Christmas present might be a orange or a full meal.
They are called the Silent Generation because as a group they were not loud. They did not protest in Washington. There were no major wars to protest.
The Greatest Generation: Born between 1910 and 1924
Those of the Greatest Generation grew up during the Great Depression and probably fought in World War II. They are also known as the GI Joe Generation.
They are the parents of the Baby Boomers.
They were named the Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw, famous News Broadcaster. Brokaw said they were the greatest because they fought for what was right rather than fighting for selfish reasons.
They certainly made great self sacrifices, fighting to protect people in other countries from the likes of Hitler, Mussolini and Japanese Kamikaze suicide bombers.
Makes one wonder what they will call those bankers and insurance company executives who fought only for personal gain thus creating the 2007-2009 financial collapse.
Cardboard, what a luxury!!!well son we were evicted from our cardboard box on the central reservation of the M1. etc!
Bob a Job, just struck me how many cubs and scouts actually passed all of their cash back. I'm trying to remember if the householder had to fill in a card? I do remember knocking at a large house in our village and they asked me to weed their path, took all day and what did they give me, yep 5 pence.Baby Boomer
Spending the summer hols outside 12 hours a day getting into all sorts of mischief....
Kerbie - where you two of you stand on either side of the road and the aim is to throw a football to the other side so it rebounds off the kerb. Extra points for kick rather than throw and throwing the ball over a car.
Knock Down Ginger - where you knock on someone's front door then run away and hide where you can see them come to the door and giggle.
Scrumping - Stealing fruit off trees in other peoples gardens.
Penny for the Guy - so as to obtain cash for Bangers (the firework variety) which you'd then light and throw at your mates! Then building a huge bonfire in the park to send him on his way.
Conkering - gathering the fruit of the horse-chestnut tree. Back then conkers were almost a currency and you would never see one on the ground. We used to used to chuck sticks into the tree to dislodge them. I used to gather hundreds each year and they'd go mouldy in my cupboard. My dear old mum, god rest her, would clip my ear big time.
Bob a Job - knocking on peoples doors (again!) but this time in the scout uniform and doing jobs for the householder liker running errands for a shilling (5 pence) to give to the Scout Association.
Yep I was a complete sod, not a penny to rub together then, but it all turned out ok..
Which link are you referring to?PSA - please dont click on the link above. It's an external link that is highly suspect and likely contains malware or similar.
I've reported to admins, who'll be able to make a more informed decision and/or remove - but just incase anyone is tempted....dont![]()
I'm assumning it got deleted, but my post didntWhich link are you referring to?
I thought you meant my YouTube link as I hadn’t seen the post you mentioned.I'm assumning it got deleted, but my post didntWas a new account with 3 posts all referencing gaming and having nigh on zero relation to the thread, with a hyperlink to an external site. My cyber training kicked in
- Deleted my post now to avoid confusing people unecessarily!
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