Solo Cali travels?



T6 Ocean 150
I am recently retired and am thinking of buying a Cali Ocean to see all those parts of the UK and Europe I haven't had the chance to see yet.
As my wife passed away a few years ago I would be going solo so the one thing holding me back is the thought that I would be setting out on a lonesome trail. Apart from that I am fit and active and love the outdoors.
Does anyone have experience of this, good or bad, to help me decide?
We have a famous solo traveller here on the forum: @GrannyJen! Look up her threads, and you will see that travelling in a Cali is never a lonesome trail!

I have done a few, shorter solo travels when it happened Marga had other activities. It was great to pursue some specific interests (e.g. visiting several film locations, like the ones for Edgar Reitz' 'Heimat' series of movies), and I have had very nice contacts everywhere. Everybody loves people travelling in VW vans!
I've done plenty of solo trips. You'll be fine, although taking a Canine companion helps you get chatting to people you might otherwise not (unless they are Cali owners :)).
The Cali is perfectly sized for one man and his dog.
I am recently retired and am thinking of buying a Cali Ocean to see all those parts of the UK and Europe I haven't had the chance to see yet.
As my wife passed away a few years ago I would be going solo so the one thing holding me back is the thought that I would be setting out on a lonesome trail. Apart from that I am fit and active and love the outdoors.
Does anyone have experience of this, good or bad, to help me decide?

Hello and welcome, from another solo traveller.

It is possible for ife to get lonely. When it does, or to avoid it, I plan my trips to include people.

Campsites - some are quite busy all the year round and a chance to just say hello over the washing up sink is a good place to feel human contact.

Britstops - overnighting at a warm and welcoming pub is helpful.

Avoiding winter camping in the middle of nowhere... long dark nights, December to January especially, can exacerbate loneliness, I always try to make sure in those months I include some brightly lit places - towns, pubs, etc.

Whilst a lot of my travel is because of the "I always wanted to see that" motive I also try to plan in another interest, and as an Historian that is easy for me. however having somewhere to go with a purpose in mind normally means talking to other people, spending time with other people and generally being so distracted there is no time to feel lonely :) The national Trust guide is always in my van, I am a member of the RSPB, not because I am a twitcher but their refuges provide parking and toilets in lots of strategic places as well was excellent interpretive centres, museums of specific interest, social - cultural - lifeboat - etc.

As you probably have realised by now I am a gregarious person who adores talking to people, or even just talking, the sort that very quickly misses human company but I have only once felt "I'm lonely, get me home" big time and another lesson learnt. It was in Normandy, October, about three other people on the campsite I was on, I had been in France for 10 days and whilst my French is passable it is not good enough to go into a bar and strike up a casual conversation: Suddenly a dead campsite, no one to talk to, a long dark night, got to me. I was on Eurotunnel the following day coming home a week early. A lesson learnt. Don't endure it because you feel you have to, better a few short trips that makes you want to go again than a long trip that makes you groan "never again".

Apart from that you will find campers a gregarious, friendly lot.

Just some ideas.
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Hello and welcome
I think having a reliable internet connection helps and even though I've never met GrannyJen, WelshGas or any of the other great and helpful characters on this forum I do now feel part of a lively community. I haven't travelled in my Cali much alone but I also use Skype etc when I'm away working alone to keep in touch with family.
I think if I was to embark on a longer trip alone in my Cali, not near any friends to visit, I might book the occasional night at an airbnb. We've always had good experiences with airbnb - if you read the reviews you should be able to tell if you will be staying with your host.
I think the Cali is a great base vehicle for doing stuff in the outdoors - even if you don't stay overnight you can make a cup of tea after a walk etc
Whether you buy a Cali or not, I'm sure you'll feel lonely at times (I would anyway in your situation), so as long as it's not going to break the bank I would say go for it.
And finally, if you haven't had a camper before like me, I think there is a bit of a learning curve in how and when to use it. Being comfortable about where to stop overnight is an example for me - just take your time discovering these things, be confident that the pluses will outweigh the minuses and hopefully you won't regret it.
They don't depreciate much either, so you can always sell it!
Welcome allong , when visiting campsites there's most times someone to chat with . The driving indeed can get lonesome maybe .
Try and rent a Cali and see if it suits you...
Join some forum meets and make mew friends!
There was a good thread a while back, tho I can't remember what it was about and lots of single people contributed. I was surprised how many, made me think we as a couple should be braver!
I very much enjoy solo-travel..... I've traveled solo across UK/Europe on my motorcycle over the years.... However, I haven't always traveled solo as have also traveled with the OH, and with a group. I find both "solo" and "with-company" travel rewarding in different ways....

Now I have a Cali, solo-travel is even better.... Any "awkwardness" checking-in and out of B&Bs and dining alone, are very much mitigated.... Mistakes, of not finding somewhere to eat/sleep, due to bad planning, are also very much mitigated.... The Cali, is also perfectly sized for solo-travel IMO.

I find it is easier to dip in & out of "company" when I want it, as opposed to having to constantly interact with others in the pursuit of a meal or a bed for the night. I'm a bit of a lone-wolf tho..... And am quite happy to go a few days without proper conversation.... On the other-hand, both motorcycles and camper-vans, are great conversation starters, and it's rare that people aren't interested in what your are up to, and where you are headed. This "on the road community," is very welcome at times, and it's really memorable to have and enjoy these short conversations in service-station car-parks and campsites etc etc....

All the best, with your decision, and Welcome to this great on-line community also.

I would say, go for it! The biggest risk is to meet other people. On our travels, we have met several solo travellers and I think many - especially @Granny and @WelshGas are beautiful examples. On the Champagne Meet, there also came some people solo. And I believe on the Factory Wisit the same was the case. So you will not be the only one!
Im dead jealous - i wish i could get away on my own a bit more - my love is mountain biking - i recommend you get an outdoor type interest (unless you already have one) and use the Cali to compliment.
welcome. I don't travel alone but have found that most campers are a friendly bunch and always seem ready for a chat.
As a sometime soloist, when my other half does join me (I'm retired, she's not) I do get a bit grumpy if she doesn't follow the rules!
Welcome SimonD52!
I look forward meeting you somewhere to chat or do some Cali-talk.
As said before and when you‘re in to camping try the Cali route: you won‘t regret.
I go travelling alone .
I spent a month in France this year.
I go cycling....on my second day, first ride, about 50 cyclists came by on a sportive, so I tagged along. Plenty of chatting....luckily my french isn't to bad.
Cycling here in the uk, usually with a group, if we meet a lone rider of similar speed we always chat.
And I went hiking......using view ranger to find routes....again, often meeting up with the Pyrenees, there were Dutch, who usually speak English, Canadians, Australians, English, Spanish and french.
I got a bit stuck on a climb one day, sat for a bit to gather myself, and the alpine club of Bordeaux came by, happy to have me along, and show me the way.
Met some van people from near me( they had a Hymer)IMG_1810.JPGThese were an Austrian American couple

And of course DonkIMG_1820.JPG
I think you get the idea
I didn't meet a new partner( my wife died some years ago to)
I guess I will have to go to the next Cali meeting in Burton Bradstock for that??
Go for it......nothing ventured !
Thanks for all the positive encouragement everyone. I think I had better get down to the dealer's before the price rise!
150 DSG with ACC here I come!
Just one final decision - do I go for the comfort keeping mat or get the standard one and buy an aftermarket topper? I am inclined to the latter. So many decisions to make.
The comfort sleeping mattress, is a lot more expensive to purchase separately.... So, I’d recommend you add it to the order. You could always sell it on, if you don’t like it.

I have a Beach, and have slept on the comfort mattress for almost 100x nights.... and am really pleased with it. Others find it very hard, but it depends on what you’re used to I suppose.
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Welcome @SimonD52 .
I travel solo and love it! Have met so many nice people on sites and in this club. One friend (who has a bilbo conversion) I meet every few months and we go walking and shopping
Go to the Cali meets when you can. Everyone is so friendly.
Fab vehicle to have to yourself. Not too big, cosy and adaptable.
Don’t delay, you will love it!

I travel with Archie so not completely alone. I have a 12volt Dvd player and some old favourite dvds to keep me entertained. I much prefer travelling solo in a camper van than by hotel. A camper van brings joy.

I think I read the caravan club has a single traveller group who meet regularly - might be worth investigating
It is probably worth a reminder,

We do have in the travel section a "Solo travellers" section.

A post in there when planning a "voyage" is a good place to arrange meet-ups.
Thanks for all the positive encouragement everyone. I think I had better get down to the dealer's before the price rise!
150 DSG with ACC here I come!
Just one final decision - do I go for the comfort keeping mat or get the standard one and buy an aftermarket topper? I am inclined to the latter. So many decisions to make.
Go for it, you will open up a really exciting set of opportunities. We have a Beach and found the comfort mattress a little hard so spent about £35 on a mattress topper from Aldi. It makes the bed really comfy and warm and rolls up on top of the mattress.
I'm an older woman who always travels solo as I'm divorced and all my children live in far away countries. I haven't found and pals who want to go away as long as myself. I bought a new Cali in 2013 and left in it immediately for a four month trip through Italy. I live in Ireland so it takes me longer to reach the continent with less choice of ferries than all of you who live in England
Since that first trip I have spent four to five months getting to know a country on the continent well and I love the flexibility of wandering all over sometimes staying in Aires/Sosta parking places that are usually free. The App Camping Contact is great for finding them and reading the comments of others to decide if it's a suitable place close to the village/town/park or wherever you want to explore
Like Granny Jen I love meeting people and chatting with them and this is so easy when in a camper. In a hotel or B&B one stays alone as soon as the door is closed but most camp sites have get togethers several days a week or there's music nights at the camp bar and restaurant especially in Portugal and Italy. I usually offer my neighbours some of whatever I'm drinking like wine or coffee and that turns into happy hours. I dread the day when I can't do it any more for whatever reason. I've met many campers who go to their favourite camp and stay there in the warmth from Oct to April. That costs around €300 a month. They all get to know each other and celebrate birthdays, Christmas etc together Glad to give you the name of fun inexpensive friendly camps if you message me.
I do use my Cali here when I go to music festivals all over Ireland but am not a huge fan of damp rainy weather camping. So much freedom and space in a good climate leaving the roof up, table and chairs outside and folding bike ready for local trips. My Brompton fits inside with ease beside the bedding
Enjoy yourself
yryou turning g it on error. I hear it's soft one side and hard on the other or is that just a rumour
Go for it, you will open up a really exciting set of opportunities. We have a Beach and found the comfort mattress a little hard so spent about £35 on a mattress topper from Aldi. It makes the bed really comfy and warm and rolls up on top of the mattress.
I'm an older woman who always travels solo as I'm divorced and all my children live in far away countries. I haven't found and pals who want to go away as long as myself. I bought a new Cali in 2013 and left in it immediately for a four month trip through Italy. I live in Ireland so it takes me longer to reach the continent with less choice of ferries than all of you who live in England
Since that first trip I have spent four to five months getting to know a country on the continent well and I love the flexibility of wandering all over sometimes staying in Aires/Sosta parking places that are usually free. The App Camping Contact is great for finding them and reading the comments of others to decide if it's a suitable place close to the village/town/park or wherever you want to explore
Like Granny Jen I love meeting people and chatting with them and this is so easy when in a camper. In a hotel or B&B one stays alone as soon as the door is closed but most camp sites have get togethers several days a week or there's music nights at the camp bar and restaurant especially in Portugal and Italy. I usually offer my neighbours some of whatever I'm drinking like wine or coffee and that turns into happy hours. I dread the day when I can't do it any more for whatever reason. I've met many campers who go to their favourite camp and stay there in the warmth from Oct to April. That costs around €300 a month. They all get to know each other and celebrate birthdays, Christmas etc together Glad to give you the name of fun inexpensive friendly camps if you message me.
I do use my Cali here when I go to music festivals all over Ireland but am not a huge fan of damp rainy weather camping. So much freedom and space in a good climate leaving the roof up, table and chairs outside and folding bike ready for local trips. My Brompton fits inside with ease beside the bedding
Enjoy yourself
I'm an older woman who always travels solo as I'm divorced and all my children live in far away countries. I haven't found and pals who want to go away as long as myself. I bought a new Cali in 2013 and left in it immediately for a four month trip through Italy. I live in Ireland so it takes me longer to reach the continent with less choice of ferries than all of you who live in England
Since that first trip I have spent four to five months getting to know a country on the continent well and I love the flexibility of wandering all over sometimes staying in Aires/Sosta parking places that are usually free. The App Camping Contact is great for finding them and reading the comments of others to decide if it's a suitable place close to the village/town/park or wherever you want to explore
Like Granny Jen I love meeting people and chatting with them and this is so easy when in a camper. In a hotel or B&B one stays alone as soon as the door is closed but most camp sites have get togethers several days a week or there's music nights at the camp bar and restaurant especially in Portugal and Italy. I usually offer my neighbours some of whatever I'm drinking like wine or coffee and that turns into happy hours. I dread the day when I can't do it any more for whatever reason. I've met many campers who go to their favourite camp and stay there in the warmth from Oct to April. That costs around €300 a month. They all get to know each other and celebrate birthdays, Christmas etc together Glad to give you the name of fun inexpensive friendly camps if you message me.
I do use my Cali here when I go to music festivals all over Ireland but am not a huge fan of damp rainy weather camping. So much freedom and space in a good climate leaving the roof up, table and chairs outside and folding bike ready for local trips. My Brompton fits inside with ease beside the bedding
Enjoy yourself
I'm an older woman who always travels solo as I'm divorced and all my children live in far away countries. I haven't found and pals who want to go away as long as myself. I bought a new Cali in 2013 and left in it immediately for a four month trip through Italy. I live in Ireland so it takes me longer to reach the continent with less choice of ferries than all of you who live in England
Since that first trip I have spent four to five months getting to know a country on the continent well and I love the flexibility of wandering all over sometimes staying in Aires/Sosta parking places that are usually free. The App Camping Contact is great for finding them and reading the comments of others to decide if it's a suitable place close to the village/town/park or wherever you want to explore
Like Granny Jen I love meeting people and chatting with them and this is so easy when in a camper. In a hotel or B&B one stays alone as soon as the door is closed but most camp sites have get togethers several days a week or there's music nights at the camp bar and restaurant especially in Portugal and Italy. I usually offer my neighbours some of whatever I'm drinking like wine or coffee and that turns into happy hours. I dread the day when I can't do it any more for whatever reason. I've met many campers who go to their favourite camp and stay there in the warmth from Oct to April. That costs around €300 a month. They all get to know each other and celebrate birthdays, Christmas etc together Glad to give you the name of fun inexpensive friendly camps if you message me.
I do use my Cali here when I go to music festivals all over Ireland but am not a huge fan of damp rainy weather camping. So much freedom and space in a good climate leaving the roof up, table and chairs outside and folding bike ready for local trips. My Brompton fits inside with ease beside the bedding
Enjoy yourself
Thanks again to everyone. I have now done the deal and paid my deposit so am looking forward to 2018..
An expensive week's shopping!
Can someone please explain how to send a message on this forum. I would love to gain the benefit of Aileen's experiences.

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