Sticking cabinet doors



VIP Member
T5 SE 140
Has anyone got a cure for the cabinet doors below the sink/stove not sliding very well? It is a real struggle opening and closing them. My cali is 2005 so maybe it's just age but just wondering if anyone found something to make it work smoother? Thanks!
Check the sliding mech is not bent or damaged. Clean and lube with a little silicon spray. They hang from the top.
sebking said:
Check the sliding mech is not bent or damaged. Clean and lube with a little silicon spray. They hang from the top.

Thanks Sebking, I'll give it a try. Laurent
Got the same problem with mine that I just purchased this weekend It's made a mark or two on the top of the right hand drawer. I'll try some silicon spray but cannot see how to check the top fitting. Something about the left hand door alignment doesn't look right at the top. It looks too far in and close to the right hand door.
Mine were like this and another thumbs up for a clean and a spray of silicone (dash board spray will do it too).
We spilt some fresh orange down our doors which caused the same problem, I removed both doors, cleaned runners and doors with soapy water, left everything to dry then put it all back together, the doors or runners (can't remember which) had felt pads on too which were about worn through, intended to replace them but it's been fine since anyway.

VW California Club
