Sticky side window



Grand California 680
Hi all
I’ve spent the day cleaning and found my first ( and up to now one if the only) issues with my new bus ( 2016 t6 ocean)
The side window in the sliding door is struggling to open. The latch presses and it moves slightly into the cab, as if to open, about 1-2mm, but then seems to “ jam”. I’ve checked the runners for muck and they are clear. It pushes back and locks on the latch again, but I’m reluctant to put much force behind it to open it in case I can’t get it shut again!
I remember it being “ sticky” to open when I’ve travelled in the back when my mate had it in the summer, but now it seems to have jammed up more!
Any ideas?
Hi all
I’ve spent the day cleaning and found my first ( and up to now one if the only) issues with my new bus ( 2016 t6 ocean)
The side window in the sliding door is struggling to open. The latch presses and it moves slightly into the cab, as if to open, about 1-2mm, but then seems to “ jam”. I’ve checked the runners for muck and they are clear. It pushes back and locks on the latch again, but I’m reluctant to put much force behind it to open it in case I can’t get it shut again!
I remember it being “ sticky” to open when I’ve travelled in the back when my mate had it in the summer, but now it seems to have jammed up more!
Any ideas?
I’d try a good spray of silicone as a starter.
Probably never been opened.

I can't see the point in having that slider,
it will rain in at some point, like the other side.
Probably never been opened.

I can't see the point in having that slider,
it will rain in at some point, like the other side.

it has been opened. By me! That’s why I know it isn’t opening properly
My other one isn’t leaking-checked it today
If you had two smelly kids like mine and a dog with a penchant for fried eggs you’d be wanting all the windows open!
I do like your optimism
An alternative to silicone is PTFE spray. Spray it though the 'straw', it will penetrate as very liquid but give it 15mins and it dries to a white residue, easy to wipe off overspray and will last much longer lubrication wise than silicone. It can even be used on router cutters to prevent wood residue build up so pretty tough stuff!!!!
It can be used on anything that is sticking such as hinges and because it is completely dry after intial period will not attact dust, grit etc which will accelerate wear of plastic components particularly.
Only problem, GT85 is Hydrocarbon oil containing PTFE , great on metal components but will not be good for nylon/plastics etc due to oil content. I love it for lubricating bike cables and similar
It does say on it that it is safe for plastics and I've never had any issues ;-
"car valeting - provides a beautiful lasting shine on interior plastic trim"

Definite no to WD40 penetrating fluid....
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Right- gave it a good blast of silicone, and also took the two plastic trims off by the butterfly clip. That’s opening and closing well. The window is apparently trying to open but the two metal “ rods” that seem to run along the runners don’t seem to want to budge! It’s just rattling!
Any idea for a plan next ?
Don't know if this helps, I'm sure someone else had issues with the rod mech...

Screenshot 2020-01-31 at 17.37.11.png

Can you see the rods (8&11) moving in to release the window?
Don't know if this helps, I'm sure someone else had issues with the rod mech...

View attachment 54801

Can you see the rods (8&11) moving in to release the window?
Yes Mart. I’ve taken 7 and 7 off and can see it looks like it’s opening. I’ve looked at 8 and 11 top and bottom and seems to be clearing enough that the window opens about 1cm towards me.
the problem seems to be at the other end of the window ( if I’m in the van, looking at it with 8 and 11 to my right the problem seems to be to the left !). I can see metal “ rods” that appear to be stuck in the holes on the runners...
Pic from an earlier thread - is it the metal pins on the right that are catching in the runners? (may be the wrong side window here) - looks like there are pins to run in the channel both ends, and the locking rods which you say are fine...
Can you see that the running channels top & bottom are clear and have not dropped / risen to stop movement.
Have you tried a little pressure from outside - careful in case you can't re-close it!

Pic from an earlier thread - is it the metal pins on the right that are catching in the runners? (may be the wrong side window here) - looks like there are pins to run in the channel both ends, and the locking rods which you say are fine...
Can you see that the running channels top & bottom are clear and have not dropped / risen to stop movement.
Have you tried a little pressure from outside - careful in case you can't re-close it!

View attachment 54807
These pins in red! Seems to be jammed.
goung to try for a vid. Standby !

I really don't know if the runner sections can be removed, I'm guessing they can as the window above for sale on ebay, wouldn't be much use unless you can fit it in... I (personally) would be tempted to try and put some pressure between window and runner to see if it frees, but please don't take that as advice and damage it!
These pins in red! Seems to be jammed.
goung to try for a vid. Standby !

View attachment 54808
These pins in red! Seems to be jammed.
goung to try for a vid. Standby !

View attachment 54808
These pins in red! Seems to be jammed.
goung to try for a vid. Standby !

View attachment 54808
Just gone out to photo it and The bloody things just opened a treat!!!! Must have been the spray !!
There’s was a bit of crud in the runners which I’ve cleaned out, resprayed it all and it’s opening and shutting a treat!!
must have been the spray soaking in all week
thank you gents very much!
I really don't know if the runner sections can be removed, I'm guessing they can as the window above for sale on ebay, wouldn't be much use unless you can fit it in... I (personally) would be tempted to try and put some pressure between window and runner to see if it frees, but please don't take that as advice and damage it!
Mart, thank you for your time! I thought I was going to have to strip it all down. Must have just been muck! Thanks mate.
Great - make sure you give the seal around the window a clean and maybe a smear of silicon or other rubber friendly lube...
I Used This stuff!
All my drawers and the tambour wardrobe all much smoother now too!!

is there a drain on these windows that blocks causing the leaks as identified above too? Or is it just poor design and crap seals

That's good stuff.

There are two drains,one at each end, if you look closely right at the window edge once slider opened, below the curve of window opening, looks like a slot - they can block or misalign and any water then drips into the cupboard area below.

Like most thongs in life -, Use it or Lose it.

Edit - My Android phone obviously has a different mind set.:D
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Sorry WG, that was a bit of a personal Q... No answer required!

Looks bad near Canberra now, hopefully wet weather comes soon...

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