Storing our California on the driveway for 3 months



We are planning to store our California on our driveway while away for 3 months. What advice can you give us to avoid brakes rusting and any other issues we can avoid?

Here is what I am thinking:

1. Plywood under each tire to avoid sinking into tarmac driveway.
2. Parking brake off.
3. Someone starts it every 30 days and moves it back and forth to keep brakes free.
6. We are not planning to buy a complete cover for the vehicle. Would you recommend a cover?
7. What about wheel covers? Would they be necessary to assist with stopping brake rust?

Thank you! Ian
I would just take it for a good run to charge batteries prior to parking & make sure the brakes are dry when parked. Leave the handbrake off. If you are able to leave it on charge that would be perfect.

Unless someone is going to drive the van & get the engine fully warmed up I wouldn't bother starting it once a month, it will do more harm than good.
After 6 weeks it might be good to take it for a 20 minute drive. Other than that I would say it’ll be fine.

Ours has been left all winter every year for the last 13 years. I only use it if my wife wants the car, maybe once in 6 months. Brakes never locked, battery died after 12 years, still on same brake discs and pads, tyres replaced after 8 years. Never sank into tarmac.
3 months should be no problem, cars regularly sit on forecourts or unattended for longer than that.

Echo the advice to leave it on a trickle charger or plugged in to keep the batteries charged - alternatively disconnect the earth leads from all the batteries.

Handbrake off and DSG (if you have it) in Park. If it's a manual then reverse gear and chock the wheels. The brakes will not bind if the handbrake is off - so no need to move it backwards and forwards regularly.

Starting it and running it for a bit every few days without it getting a good run will probably do more harm than good - first time you run it though when you get back, let it idle for a few seconds to let the oil circulate before revving it up.

Rust on the brake disks will only be surface rust in 3 months and will be gone the first time it is driven - nothing to worry about. Since asbestos was banned from brake pads they are a hardr compound and the disks themselves have become serviceable items - not sure if this is the case with VW vans, but it is with many cars these days.

I wouldn't worry about 3 months .. I lay my motorbike up for 6 months every year, and it runs like a dream when I get it back out again in the spring.
Before the pandemic we were away regularly for 2 or 3 months every winter.
Van was put on trickle charger and handbrake off. It’s an automatic so no chocks needed. The tyres never flattened and it never sank into the tarmac. We backed it right up to the garage door for the charging cable. That also avoided the postman walking round the back of the van and tripping over the cable and gave some security for the garage door. We have never used a cover.
When it is plugged into the mains I always now leave a large note on the dashboard under the steering wheel. This was after I found that driving away plugged in can be expensive! It is easy to forget when you get back after a long time away.
It would always start when we got home and it was fine. Never a problem.
(We once left our T4 for 5 months on the same basis. It never failed us).
Hope that helps

VW California Club
