Storing a Cali


Staff 2

All over the place
First posted by Ianevens

We are planning to store our California for 15 months and are wondering what are the things we need to look out for and maybe have the storage company help with?

Items that come to mind are:

1. Both batteries should be periodically charged. would starting the engine say every month for a few minutes be a good idea?

2. Brakes rusting up or seizing. We will likely be storing our van inside in temp control, so will this be an issue?

3. Tyres getting flat spots. I assume by having the storage company move the van a few feet once in a while that would help. We have 4 new tires on so do not want to have to replace when we start up again.

4. We will be turning all the electrics off.

5. If we decide to store the van outside (much cheaper), what else should we look out for?

Anything else we should look our for?
First posted by Drmw1335

I think for the length of time you intend to store the Cali, you are better off selling it and purchasing another on your return. The amount of deterioration that your vehicle will suffer by not being used properly, the aggravation of sorting out repairs and costs on top of the money spent on storage, the depreciation (however small) on value does not make it worth it IMHO . The starting of the engine for a few minutes once a month will not be enough, the air con system will suffer by not being used, seals will dry up and crack then leak on all the vehicle systems. I dread to think what the cost of a DPF/catalytic convertor or turbos would cost to replace. The plus side is you will have a few quid to save with and you will be able to get an updated vehicle on your return. If you spend sometime on motoring sites like honestjohn they can fully explain the downsides to long term storage problems.
First posted by Blakey

I agree with the above post. Sell your Cali, stick the money in a high (ha ha ha ha) interest account and come back and buy a fresh one in 15 months time.

First posted by californiaman

I've never stored a car for any length of time but.. have often had motorbikes in storage for periods of a year or more.

1. Both batteries should be periodically charged. would starting the engine say every month for a few minutes be a good idea?

Probably not. I would imagine the best thing if you're going to start it would be to drive it a bit and make sure it is properly up to temperature - otherwise I think condensation forms in all sorts of places that you don't want it!

2. Brakes rusting up or seizing. We will likely be storing our van inside in temp control, so will this be an issue?

I think that provided it is clean a free of road salt when it goes "inside" it'll be fine. The discs may corrode a bit but it'll probably be surface rust that'll clean up easy when you drive it.

I assume you mean temperature and humidity control? The temperature doesn't matter too much but a dry environment would be better than a damp one.

3. Tyres getting flat spots. I assume by having the storage company move the van a few feet once in a while that would help. We have 4 new tires on so do not want to have to replace when we start up again.

I don't believe modern tyres get flat spots but the tyres will age faster if they are sitting around in direct sunlight. You can get simple cloth covers for them; although if the beast is indoors this is unlikely to be a problem.

4. We will be turning all the electrics off.

Probably a good idea. Low voltage things like alarms can really kill a battery dead and make it unrecoverable over time!

5. If we decide to store the van outside (much cheaper), what else should we look out for?

Somewhere indoors to keep it!!!

It's not cheap though... (I say that - £25 per week.. it'll cost £1500 by the time you come back.. if you sell and buy another, it'll probably cost you that it time/hassle/taxis etc so maybe not so bad after all...)

Perhaps you may findit is cheaper to look for some sort of storage in Spain or similar where it is drier??

Other storage tips...
First posted by ianevens

Excellent advice from everyone concerned. We are now going to store inside for only 10 months, so not as a big an issue.

I really appreciate all of the good advice and links.

VW California Club
