So after a bit of back and forwards I went for it - my inability to wait.
Will post details and answer any questions people have also.
The van in question ;

Van is ocean diesel, art velour seats, upgraded wheels, all driver assist packages, (but not a bloody towbar because I’m an idiot)
The California app is pretty handy - interactive manual on it (when it works) and a couple of videos as to how to open roof safely, empty grey Waste, fill water etc
You can check battery. Water levels etc (disabled while driving) - posting while wife’s driving. Will update later

You also have the vw connect app ;

It does feel slightly more cramped than a precious cali - due to the high inset kitchen allowing for the space of the doors.
I cannot stress the next point enough - Volkswagen uk (and Europe) do not have an authorised after market tow bar for the California at current.
Thule do not offer any bike racks at current for the California other than tow bar mounted, and there is no immediate plans for them.
If you do not get the factory fitted retractable towbar there is no official towbar at current that can be coded
The California does not come pre wired and there is no option for pre wired without a tow bar fitted
The van did come with a bunch of d rings that clip onto the rails - which il use for bike transporting in the meantime (or for short distances that don’t need camping just use my t6.1 camper)
Water tank…
Now this bits insanely strange - the release for the fresh water wasn’t closed, so originally had a panic when water was pouring out the bottom of my van on what looked like drill holes… this is the new release for the van, and there is no obvious hose. The garage was a bit confused as weren’t aware of this either - so was a nice following trip to describe this

Camping wise - about to camp near York so will update in the morning with setup photos etc
Will post details and answer any questions people have also.
The van in question ;

Van is ocean diesel, art velour seats, upgraded wheels, all driver assist packages, (but not a bloody towbar because I’m an idiot)
The California app is pretty handy - interactive manual on it (when it works) and a couple of videos as to how to open roof safely, empty grey Waste, fill water etc
You can check battery. Water levels etc (disabled while driving) - posting while wife’s driving. Will update later

You also have the vw connect app ;

It does feel slightly more cramped than a precious cali - due to the high inset kitchen allowing for the space of the doors.
I cannot stress the next point enough - Volkswagen uk (and Europe) do not have an authorised after market tow bar for the California at current.
Thule do not offer any bike racks at current for the California other than tow bar mounted, and there is no immediate plans for them.
If you do not get the factory fitted retractable towbar there is no official towbar at current that can be coded
The California does not come pre wired and there is no option for pre wired without a tow bar fitted
The van did come with a bunch of d rings that clip onto the rails - which il use for bike transporting in the meantime (or for short distances that don’t need camping just use my t6.1 camper)
Water tank…
Now this bits insanely strange - the release for the fresh water wasn’t closed, so originally had a panic when water was pouring out the bottom of my van on what looked like drill holes… this is the new release for the van, and there is no obvious hose. The garage was a bit confused as weren’t aware of this either - so was a nice following trip to describe this

Camping wise - about to camp near York so will update in the morning with setup photos etc