Table leg adjusters?



VIP Member
Now the weather has dried out we've been using the external table more.

I've just noticed that two of the table legs have threaded holes for screw in adjusters, but only 1 leg has an adjuster fitted.

Should there be one or two adjusters?
one, I think. (I have one)
Funny you should bring this up...i noticed that we only had one screw over the weekend and then spent a while trying to locate the second one, with no luck of course. I wonder why VW only supplied one screw ?
Calimark said:
Funny you should bring this up...i noticed that we only had one screw over the weekend and then spent a while trying to locate the second one, with no luck of course. I wonder why VW only supplied one screw ?
It's the old three legged milking stool trick. Three legs will always find there balance. You then need to have a screw in the fourth one to adjust up or down to the level of the others.

Have Fun
That’s good to know. I’ve been racking my brains as to where the other one could possibly have gone
I complained to the dealers ours only had one, they reassured me that was correct.
Just when you think you know all their is to know about your van, some one comes up with this gem. Always thought I was missing a one.
I too thought I was missing one and easily picked up a set of 4 from the dealer for free (I should have checked here before, live and learn). I was looking in the forum to see how to get one off and install another. I have now removed the original and installed the new one so I now have 2 adjusters and 3 spare non adjusting fleg caps. If anyone needs one and you want to pay the postage from Dublin I'll post it. FYI.. Removing one as I did peeled off a plastic bump that sets into a hole in the leg to lock it on. Installing the new one I used a rubber mallet. Bam bam! And it is on. The plastic bumps have a ramp so installing does not peel the bump off.




VW California Club
