Tailgate chair panel wiring



South Hampshire
T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
I recently had some work done on my tailgate and I think the garage may have removed the picnic chair holder. I took some photos prior to the van going in to the garage but evidently not enough. If I put my hand into the void where the picnic chairs go I can feel a couple of black wiring looms quite a long way in running horizontally below the ridge. But i don't know if they were visible prior to the garage visit. Can someone confirm they have these looms visible please. Ideally I'd like to compare my van with someone elses. So if anyone lives near me and is willing to meet up please contact me via PM. I live near Fareham in Hampshire. Happy to travel as it's bugging me at the moment.
If you post a photo of the area you are interested in I could try to take a similar picture for comparison.

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I'm in Winchester if you want a side by side comparison
This is a photo I took last night, I think you can just about see the wiring you're talking about. Will take a better photo later now I know what you're looking for

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I'm in Winchester if you want a side by side comparison
This is a photo I took last night, I think you can just about see the wiring you're talking about. Will take a better photo later now I know what you're looking for

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I cant quite see but I think you've taken a different shot. its the black looms that run from left to right in front of the ridge that I am querying.
As I say, I'll get you a better photo later

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Better photos of the area in question

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Thats most helpful. You have a black wiring loom running along inside the tailgate with a white foam pad holding it in place. That looks the same as mine. Assuming you haven't disturbed your wiring then I guess mine has been undisturbed too. Thank you for taking the trouble to assist paradise city.
No problem, I haven't interfered with the wiring other than normal removal and replacement of the chairs.

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
I'm in Winchester if you want a side by side comparison
Hi PQU. I think paradise city has put my mind at rest but I would like to compare side by side if poss as there is something else I'd like to check. I sent you a PM but not sure whether this was sent. Let me know. Thanks

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