Tailgate strut problems



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Hi all, over that past few months I've been getting jobs sorted in advance of going on a few long trips abroad. However as I get closer to our departure date, other issues are showing up!!!!
A few months ago I fitted up-rated gas struts on the tailgate, to keep it open with a bike on the rack.
They worked fine, they kept the tailgate open with the bikes on, it took a good bit of force to close the tailgate but it was manageable.
However recently one strut slipped off its mount on the body when I was closing it. After inspection, both mounts on the body were slightly bent. I managed to straighten it, but it slipped off again when closing and dented the tailgate.

I've had to refit the standard ones, for the moment. I wonder if the the struts are too strong, they are rated at 1250N?
So it looks like I need new strut mounts or else make stronger ones myself.

Has anyone else had this issue or can offer any advice or tips?

Regards Padraic.
Oh dear that doesn’t sound good. TBH, with bikes on the back I just get Mrs P to hold it open if we need anything from the rear. Generally we don’t. Once pitched up, bikes off, normal service.
Oh dear that doesn’t sound good. TBH, with bikes on the back I just get Mrs P to hold it open if we need anything from the rear. Generally we don’t. Once pitched up, bikes off, normal service.
Yea a pain in the ass.!!! I've new mounts ordered and can get by with the standard struts and a prop of some sort or wifey.
Yea when at a campsite, its no problem, Its just I find it useful to be able to open the boot to get something out when on the move or on my own.
When I get time, I may make stronger mounts for the struts on the body.

VW California Club
