taking boat to ireland from continent/UK?

Canary Bird

Canary Bird

T6 Beach 150
I would love to take my T6 to Ireland .... with us despite the narrow roads and hedges! :) ... from Tenerife. I'd anticipate that there is no boat we could take from Tenerife to Ireland. We'd assume that we would arrive in Cadiz/Huelva in southern Spain and drive to the next port. We are open to land in Ireland in Cork, north, etc. We would prefer to get to Ireland from the continent, but are open to pass through the UK and take advantage & go up north to Scotland.

Does anyone know the boat ports, boat companies and any other useful information/advice to get back & forth to Ireland with a T6? :)

Thanks any ideas & help!

PS Here is a photo from yesterday at the El Medano coast in Tenerife.


No idea about boats to Ireland, but.. just to say you cannot imagine how I envy you..... El Médano!!!!

I'm planing to get to Ireland in Easter from Cardiff, so probably someone give any recommendation it can worth also for me, so "listening" here
...check out irishferries.ie or stena.ie for options Cherbourg to Rosslaire or Brittany ferries as mentioned above. About every 100 years or so they cut the hedges so you might get lucky. As for the narrow roads, well that's part of the charm.
Thank you for the great leads! I look forward to scraping some hedges & getting some midge bites in Ireland! :)

Here is a "NON-photoshopped" photo from a couple weeks ago.

.....I hate to break it to you but we don't have these either


VW California Club
