Template for mat/carpet?



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T5 SE 140
Rigth now we have a carpet that needs folding when we want to move the bench. A bit of a hassle. So I am planning on making a DIY-carpet for the living area, out of a piece of carpet I will buy. Just so that I can choose a design/style of carpet that I feel looks nice in our Cali. Ours is a T5 and there are 2-rails in the floor. Before I start measuring and cutting and what not, I thought I'd enquire if perhaps someone else has done this before and has a template (or a drawing with measurements or a 3D-design) lying around that will make my job a lot easier.

Thanks in advance for any responses.
Do you know anyone who has a Brandrup (or similar) carpet that you could use as a template? Last year we found a carpet local company who made us some cockpit carpets based on the existing VW shape but of our design.
I've laid quite a few vinyl floors, usually in tricky bathrooms , and some small carpets, by first making templates using thick paper. I stick small pieces together with masking tape. Push into corners with something blunt to mark the shape. Cut out. Then with carpet, you would need to stick it to the back (making sure it's the right way round) Mark with permanent marker pen. Cut round and with sharp scissors or knife. Bob's your uncle.
I don’t mind making you a template of our Brandrup rear carpet from newspaper if it helps. You can then stick it to wallpaper before you cut it out if you want it thicker.
That's really very kind of you @wiggly, but I'm not in the UK, so that'd be quite a bit of hassle for you. Just figured someone might already have it lying around. I'll manage to get it done and when I make a template I'll share it.
That's really very kind of you @wiggly, but I'm not in the UK, so that'd be quite a bit of hassle for you. Just figured someone might already have it lying around. I'll manage to get it done and when I make a template I'll share it.

It’s not a problem as EU postage is still cheap and quick. I can business expense it!
That is incredibly kind. I can't send you a personal message, but if you could e-mail me on thomasHJensen@outlook.com I would love to discuss how I can pay you for the shipping costs, etc.
Thanks so much! Will post a picture of the finished mat!
@Wiggly Woo the template arrived in the mail today. Again, thanks. Thanks for taking the time to draw it out the way you have. Must have been quite the job. Now I can start to hunt for a good peace of sisal/jute carpet and get on it. Migth take a while but will post photos when finished!
We've been looking for the right material for our DIY mat. Material that we feel fits in our color scheme, but haven't found the right material yet. The material is either ugly or too thick or too expensive to go cut holes in. However, with a trip coming up, we also felt we didnt want to use our old mat that needs to be folded, before we can move the bench. So with the template provided by @Wiggly Woo, we set out cutting and burning and turned our old mat into one the bench can slide over. Really happy with the fact that it works now. When we get back from our trip, I'm sure we'll keep looking for the right material and go through the whole proces again, but for now, we got it working. Thanks again @Wiggly Woo


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