Test Drive



Guest User
I'm getting really a little too over-excited about going for my first actual test drive of a Beach this weekend...can't wait! I've done a ton of reading, had a good look over another owners Beach, and now for the first time will get a chance to try one out on the road for myself. I can't wait! but also secretly slightly worried that I'll be disappointed in some way after my months of 'desk' research!

And then the big decision..buy new/buy slightly used...
Pros: can choose my colour, can get an auto, can get hookup, select all my own options
Cons: Looooong wait, expensive, worried about my car having expensive issues before I I can trade it in!

fingers crossed for a good drive on Saturday anyway, as that is the first step...
Good luck and enjoy they really are great to drive :thumb what dealer are you using :?:
Colbornes in Guildford...they're the nearest one to me and their Beach demo just arrived earlier this week...
Uh oh - loved it! Really nice to drive - didn't feel much bigger than our Volvo and a nice high driving position, not rattly (my husbands main concern), very comfortable seats, nice and nippy... I tried the manual 140 Beach but also tried an auto transporter just to get a feel for what the auto might be like to drive (our Volvo is auto) so thinking of going for the new DSG version...now got to sort out finances, do the final due diligence that hubby requires to make sure we're doing the right thing, and I might place an order imminently
Watch this space!
Glad you enjoyed it :thumb keep us posted
maui2512 said:
Uh oh - loved it! Really nice to drive - didn't feel much bigger than our Volvo and a nice high driving position, not rattly (my husbands main concern), very comfortable seats, nice and nippy... I tried the manual 140 Beach but also tried an auto transporter just to get a feel for what the auto might be like to drive (our Volvo is auto) so thinking of going for the new DSG version...now got to sort out finances, do the final due diligence that hubby requires to make sure we're doing the right thing, and I might place an order imminently
Watch this space!

Great news!!

I would suggest to finalise everything with the dealer and then come back here for a final sanity check prior to placing the order, it's likely someone here will be able to make some suggestions that could save you some money. There are several hints and tips to put in your armoury before signing on the dotted!!

The dealer will squirm like mad if you try to leave after brokering a deal and before signing but do not be sucked in, tell them that you are thinking about spending a lot of money and they should respect that you need to take time to make a decision. There may be claims of the offer only being valid that day blah, blah but it's all rubbish and you can blow it all out of the water by saying that if that is their attitude they clearly don't need your business and you'll find someone who does.

There is no pressure to buy from your local dealer if you don't want to, you may get a better deal elsewhere. Have a look on websites such as Drive the Deal to get an idea of potential savings and then expect your chosen dealer to get close.
Thanks Stu!
I'd gone armed with my spec all priced up and said I knew people were getting at least 8-10% with DDD, other dealers, etc
He said they can only offer 5% without special permission but came back after my visit with an offer of 7%. I do respect the level of service I had from him (he gave me 2.5 hours yesterday!) so would be prepared to pay something for that versus buying online. I've gone back and asked if there is anything else he can offer up on top of the 7% (services, dealer added parts) etc

Any other thoughts from the forum?

Spec I'm looking at is 140 DSG, privacy glass, RNS 315 + DAB, sliding window, climatronic, parking heater, MFSW, metallic, 17" thunder alloys, cool box, 5 seater +2 additional seats

Many thanks to all of you for all your valuable advice so far!
Oh yes, and folding mirrors, f&r sensors, Bluetooth & silver awning. Decided against the camping mattress and potentially will get a zone sleep instead. Final decision is Natural Grey vs Sand Beige!
Natural grey of course!! :upsidedown

Sounds like you've been doing your homework then.

Don't be tempted with dealer offered GAP insurance, tyre insurance or any other insurance. Also think long and hard before opting for paint and interior protections such as SupaGard or Lifeshine, these are another significant source of revenue for sales people.

If you want to apply more pressure then try to obtain a like for like quote at another dealer.

Your loyalty is to be applauded but I always console myself with the fact I am not running a charity and so if they want my business they need to be competitive. I am fully appreciative of the need to earn revenue to keep the business in place etc but I am sure you will take the van there for servicing and any warranty work so that should go some way to repaying your emotional debt. :thumb
Very true Stu...!! Yes, I'm afraid I am usually just too nice in these situations and trying to hold out a bit here if I can. My hubby is making me do some finally due diligence just so I don't dive into this expensive purchase too lightly!

Good guidance on the insurance, paint protection etc too...I'd forgotten about that from when I last bought a car!

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