Thank you NHS part 2 (no politics)



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West Sussex
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Ways we can all say thank you to the NHS through our own particular memories:

No politics or blame games please.

I replied in another thread that without a vaccine we will all just revert to the days when there was no flu vaccine, lots died and the health service strained in bad epidemics.

It made me think of my Great Uncle Bobby. A lovely man, a milkman, lived on Lambeth walk in London and like so many brought up in cramped, damp housing he had chest problems.

I was seven when he died. It was November, I remember hearing my Nan talking to my Dad...... "He caught the flu and then he had Pneumonia:..... "Oh they did look after him well though, never had to worry about a thing, it was wonderful".

They were talking about the NHS. 5 1/2 years old. Remembering the days when it was a shilling to see the doctor and if you didn't have it, tough. Hospital consultants were Gods, if you managed to get into hospital and treatment was poor. There they were, two people, in the middle of their grief, celebrating almost with awe the fact that someone could die with dignity in a clean hospital bed where you were treated just the same as everyone else and no one had to enter into crushing debt or pawn the furniture to pay the bill.

Through my years of travelling, and living in the United States, I heard people talking with envy about the NHS.

God bless it and all who work in her ......

Aneurin Bevan at Davyhulme, Manchester.... the launch of the NHS 5th July 1948.
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Got quite a few friends working in the NHS in different roles. The dedication shown by all is something to be proud of, it’s a scary time for lots but they still keep going. When I started my career, the job I chose I knew that I could ultimately be asked to make the ultimate sacrifice, that was my choice, don’t think many who joined the NHS thought they would be having to do that.
thanks to all
Sorry but I'm going to break with convention. My experience of the NHS with various family members is woeful. Quite why the NHS is beyond criticism is beyond me. It is an inefficient, poorly run dinosaur that has long been in need of root and branch reform. No I dont have the solution but I certainly dont believe the NHS and it stands is the answer.
Sorry but I'm going to break with convention. My experience of the NHS with various family members is woeful. Quite why the NHS is beyond criticism is beyond me. It is an inefficient, poorly run dinosaur that has long been in need of root and branch reform. No I dont have the solution but I certainly dont believe the NHS and it stands is the answer.
I worked for the NHS for some time and I can say that most staff I encountered were dedicated hard working professionals. Unfortunately it is top heavy with mediocre management who give little and sap it of vast sums of money. Senior managers ‘solved’ problems by creating another management post and offloading It. Shame because as an organisation it has such potential but very unwieldy to manage.
Sorry but I'm going to break with convention. My experience of the NHS with various family members is woeful. Quite why the NHS is beyond criticism is beyond me. It is an inefficient, poorly run dinosaur that has long been in need of root and branch reform. No I dont have the solution but I certainly dont believe the NHS and it stands is the answer.

sorry but wrong thread for this type of comment.

Ways we can all say thank you to the NHS through our own particular memories:

No politics or blame games please.
My recent experiences with the NHS has been excellent in relation to Hospital treatment, Local GP is almost impossible to see in under 5 weeks.
Initial contact with GP during January '19. Slow process of Xray, Ultrsound, CT scan and finally MRI in September when everything jumped into gear.
Appt October at National Orthopaedic Hospital Birmingham, Diagnosed as Bone Cancer. Biopsy 1 week later.
Advised that will be transferred to Birmingham Heartlands Hospital for opp. Appt's at Queens, Sollihul to see Consultants (one to remove cancer and one to reconstruct) Heartlands for preop.
Into Heartlands on 20th Dec for opp. I went into a Hotel as 80 miles each way from home.
Ward permitted me to be in the ward from 10am ish until after 6pm every day and even provided me with Christmas Lunch (very unofficially). Came home on the 28th Dec.
Since then 1 trip to Queens, 2 to Sutton Coldfield and 1 to The National Orthopaedic Hospitals.

Throughout the courtesy and care shown at all 5 Hospitals has been impressive and heart warming.
This applies to everyone from the ward cleaners up. All of whom were obviously under great strain due to workload and economies prior to the current situation.

Forgot to mention Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals where initial tests were carried out also under strain but remained courteous. Can't say that for all of the Patients we observed.
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Sorry Larry lamb this sounds a bit Orwellian. I gave an opinion, non political as per OP. Who are you to state what is or isn't relevant?
Whatever, not exactly a thank you NHS post though was it, like the thread is intended. That is my opinion. :headbang
Apart from being on the receiving end of their excellent service several times during my life I shall be eternally grateful to the NHS for helping to bring our four children and eight grandchildren safely into this world.
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Whatever, not exactly a thank you NHS post though was it, like the thread is intended. :headbang
Exactly, my point. I am not thanking the NHS and I am not about to be coerced into virtu signalling and clapping on a Thursday. I have family members who are front line nursing staff in the NHS, a consultant cardiologist and a surgeon working overseas. All of them give a similar view on the NHS and that is that it simply is no longer fit for purpose. Yes many many people working within the system deserve thanks for their work but clapping the system, sorry no. My opinion is based on first hand experiences and first hand feedback from my family members on the inside.
Apart from being on the receiving end of there excellent service several times during my life I shall be eternally grateful to the NHS for helping to bring our four children and eight grandchildren safely into this world.
And I respect Your opinion based on Your experiences Borris
Again, you lot amaze me.
Thread heading, thank you NHS no politics. If you don’t want to post a thank you, why not go to another thread and whinge there. Leave this thread for those that want to express there thanks.
Its not about rights or wrongs or opinions on how it’s run, it’s about showing appreciation to staff facing things thingsthey didn’t expect to.

I don’t go out and clap every Thus but I am grateful for the dedication of all involved in the NHS, from front line docs nurses, cleaners, porters, admin even the managers.
Thanks to all.
Again, you lot amaze me.
Thread heading, thank you NHS no politics. If you don’t want to post a thank you, why not go to another thread and whinge there. Leave this thread for those that want to express there thanks.
Its not about rights or wrongs or opinions on how it’s run, it’s about showing appreciation to staff facing things thingsthey didn’t expect to.

I don’t go out and clap every Thus but I am grateful for the dedication of all involved in the NHS, from front line docs nurses, cleaners, porters, admin even the managers.
Thanks to all.
Not a whinge, an opinion.
Now is not the time to criticise the NHS or the Government, no doubt that time will come IF after various inquiries lessons are to be learnt.
All members of staff working for the NHS on OUR behalf including management deserve our applause on Thursday evenings together with other individuals that make our lives easier, in my case the Amozon driver, Milkman, online providers and this morning the Tesco delivery driver who asked me if I wanted to check my substitutions. Told him no need as I was happy and grateful for whatever I had, only to be told 'I wish all my customers were like you'
So perhaps at this time those who feel the need to criticise should take a step back before commenting and think about ways of improving the NHS when this pandemic is over.
Why not volunteer as many do and give a few hrs to the NHS.
Perhaps we should be grateful we can afford to drive a round in our Cali's, in the US millions of Americans are declared bankrupt trying to pay medical Bill's, $2500 to call an ambulance, $30,000 for child birth, I could go on.
NHS and its staff a truly a wonderful thing.
This is the second time that people have raised a thread to give thanks to the NHS.

Twice it has been spoilt by politics and negativity.

Everyone has a view and a right to express it.

However when we decide to comment into a thread, rather than dozens of others where our particular negative view can be voiced, sometimes it is good to row in with the general thoughts expressed, which in this case is gratitude for a health service that continues to function due to extraordinary dedication on the front line, and step back remembering the old maxim...


Seriously, on a public forum anyone ca contribute, good or bad. The nature of the beast.

Goodnight everyone.
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What’s next, a DSG vs Manual thread where only DSG supporters are allowed?

I personally hope this forum soon gets back to camping and vans. I’ve been drawn into several Covid posts but I don’t think they are why any of us came here.

Sorry, not sure if above link works. This one should.

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