The time has come for a change.

I hope that your new van fulfills your needs as you see them now, things change over time, plus we're all getting older! I appreciate your knowledge and access to information on California related topics and your willingness to share with the forum, not to mention the odd contentious post designed to promote discussion (or disharmony?). As a lifetime VIP member, I cannot imagine that you will desert the forum and look forward to continued contributions.
Good luck WG. You've certainly helped me out with a few issues over the years. Hope all goes well.

Best Wishes,

When I first joined the forum I was in awe of your knowledge - I still am! But it is also your generosity and willingness to always help find solutions - it's quite inspiring - thank you! Stay safe and every best wish as you move forward to your next adventure.
I, for one, would be interested in how you get on as I use my Cali as a car (for lots of reasons to do with current circumstances) and am vaguely thinking the MV might suit better.
You are leaving a great legacy of advice, encouragement and the delight of a California. Your counsel and wisdom will be missed.
However, new adventures await. Good for you and please keep us posted.
I, for one, would be interested in how you get on as I use my Cali as a car (for lots of reasons to do with current circumstances) and am vaguely thinking the MV might suit better.
I’ll do my best.
We’ve had so many questions for this forum over the past 10 years and it feels as though Welsh Gas has contributed to the majority of the answers. So generous. Of course, answers often conflict with each other, but we always add extra weight to the WG response.

Good luck in your continued travels Welsh Gas.