We're doing this, appreciate all the comments so far, especially from a company like BMVS who have knowledge about what it takes.
We thought long and hard before we went ahead, we're only at the start of the journey.
For us it came down to the fact that we couldn't justify or afford having such a luxury, we are very envious of those that can afford this and understanding that renting our pride and joy out will have its downsides.
We also like the idea of enabling others to have a great experience too, as well as lending to friends & family.
Our calculations are quite conservative and are based on us covering the cost of the Cali, not making a profit.
Our costs are:
Insurance: £1900
Liability insurance: £200
Garage: £1000
Misc: £1000
Depreciation: £3000
Accessories: £2000 (£1000 resale value)
Tax: £255
We brought an ex-demo outright so hopefully saved on depreciation but who knows how the future this will go.
We don't have kids so our idea is to rent out during peak periods and use the Cali for the rest of the time, we're keen surfers and I'm used to doing this out of season.
We're hoping for around £7,000 pa in rentals which should roughly cover us and take into account that we would have to pay Tax & Insurance anyway.
We're going in eyes open, albeit you never know until it all starts.
The website is up at
www.vwcalifornia4hire.co.uk though we have lots to add, I'll be blogging about the whole experience too