This is nuts



VIP Member
T5 SE 140
Hiya all. just a quick word of warning. I have a T5 SE with wheel security bolts fitted on each wheel. Nonetheless, whilst you might not believe it, I had two adjacent wheel nuts removed from one wheel whilst camping recently in the Lake District. If it hadn't been for a family member who spotted the empty holes then I might not have noticed. I got them replaced and am now carrying a spare wheel nut in the tool box... just in case.
Who had the wheels off last
the guys who switched me over from winter wheels. It seems unlikely that two adjacent bolts would fall out... doesn't it?
Meoncast... your question has led me to check all the other bolts and in doing so I realised that it was one of the security bolts that disappeared. Alos 4 of the remaining bolts were not sufficiently tight. Hence I conclude that bolts fell out rather than were removed. I shall be having words with the local tyre place that switched over my winter wheels. Ho hum.
The last few tyre changes the fitters have gone out of their way to inform me to check bolt tightness in the next 50 miles
The last few tyre changes the fitters have gone out of their way to inform me to check bolt tightness in the next 50 miles
Should not be done if the bolts are tightened correctly. It is 180Nm (1593,13 lbf).
At least, I have not ever needed to check the tightness.
Not had an issue but been advised to check. OP appears to have had slack fitters.
I won't do no harm if you check it, but it should not be needed when fit correctly.

Seems like the OP had his nuts not tightened enough, as they were all loose, and even 2 already fallen out.
Meoncast... your question has led me to check all the other bolts and in doing so I realised that it was one of the security bolts that disappeared. Alos 4 of the remaining bolts were not sufficiently tight. Hence I conclude that bolts fell out rather than were removed. I shall be having words with the local tyre place that switched over my winter wheels. Ho hum.
The guy fitting them probably got a message through on his phone
whilst midway through putting your wheels back on. It could´ve
been important to him, not really for you though.

I think its a kind of get out clause from the tyre fitters that has only happened
the last few years but recently i´ve always been told to check all of the nuts
after about 100kms wtf...
No I'm paying you to do the job. Do it proper.

What chance has an elderly lady got.
I was coming back from France in the beginning of June, and on the E40 from Brussels to where I live at the coast, there was an old Mercedes E on the right emergency lane, laying on his left rear brake disk. His left rear wheel was leaning against the concrete guardrail on the left of the 3rd lane. Seemed like he had lost all of his nuts.
Thing is: if you start something, finish it well. You start screwing the bolts of a wheel? Finish this untill they all are tightened correctly, then you can do something else, but never screw in a screw, and walk away to finish it later on, because you will forget it.
Hence why I don't let anyone touch my nuts :eek: seriously I've seen too many wheels come loose or off attics.
When I have new tyres I take the wheels to the fitters the fit then myself, as said 180NM then recheck after 100 miles, I carry a 19mm socket, strong arm and torque wrench.
The local tyre fitters here recommend always removing the safety ones for standard. This has nothing to do with them being lazy but from issues if they get stuck/break or if you lose the key for them.

You should always double check after a tyre change that they’re tight after some driving.
I know that stretch very well, in winter we sometimes stay
at the oostkamp hotel.
I know that stretch very good.
Living at the beach has a hell of a lot of advantages.
On sundays, in winter or summer when I go hiking or cycling, I am always at the good side.
When they come to the beach in summer, they are in traffic jam, but when I go inland for hiking or cycling, I have a more clear road. And in the evening, when I return, it is the other way around.
If you live at the beach, mostly you are not interested anymore in your own beach, and run away from it.
In other countries, on the other hand, it is always nice to go to the beach, as it is mostly a total different experience. Like big rocky beaches, high cliffs, other views, different color of water, ...
Saw this Torque Wrench Set was in Aldi this week.
Adjusts to 210 Nm so 180 Nm no problem. Includes short extension bar, and 17, 19 & 21mm hex sockets.
At £15.99 thought it a good price for an essential but not often used tool.
For tightening only!20190803_181954.jpg

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