We have just recently come back from a short break at Southwold over the Bank holiday. i love seeing over member’s pictures of their camps and set ups so will share ours.
Just Mrs Gvick, Barney our working retriever and myself. As we were staying in one place for 4 days ( a rarity for us as we like to ove around when on hols) we went to town and packed way too much stuff for our campsite.
The eagle eyed amongst you may spot non Cali table and chairs- that’s because the site is quite exposed and we felt more comfortable leaving them outside whilst walking to Walberswick or the town centre.
Day one Walberswick - dinner at the Anchor - looking out for Richard Curtis or Kiera Knightly who both live their. Missed ferry home so a hearty 45 min walk over harbour bridge.
Day two - shopping in Southwold, steak for the bbq
Day three - long lunch in the Lord Nelson - we queued for 35mins, lots of Southwold bitter - weve missed you.
Day four - break camp and a walk to the pier and ice cream and tea on the beach.
A very busy site best for closeness to beach as it does get dirty due to sheer volume of campers.
Noticed far more vans and motor homes than tents first time ever and met FRO6 green T6 based in Maldon who we last saw on Mull in 2019.
Happy times and hopefully a step towards normality.

Just Mrs Gvick, Barney our working retriever and myself. As we were staying in one place for 4 days ( a rarity for us as we like to ove around when on hols) we went to town and packed way too much stuff for our campsite.
The eagle eyed amongst you may spot non Cali table and chairs- that’s because the site is quite exposed and we felt more comfortable leaving them outside whilst walking to Walberswick or the town centre.
Day one Walberswick - dinner at the Anchor - looking out for Richard Curtis or Kiera Knightly who both live their. Missed ferry home so a hearty 45 min walk over harbour bridge.
Day two - shopping in Southwold, steak for the bbq
Day three - long lunch in the Lord Nelson - we queued for 35mins, lots of Southwold bitter - weve missed you.
Day four - break camp and a walk to the pier and ice cream and tea on the beach.
A very busy site best for closeness to beach as it does get dirty due to sheer volume of campers.
Noticed far more vans and motor homes than tents first time ever and met FRO6 green T6 based in Maldon who we last saw on Mull in 2019.
Happy times and hopefully a step towards normality.