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What’s the eBay link please, do you have any left?I developed some generic calculations for the California as part of my roofrack engineering project. I just used standard drag coefficients and some basic assumptions to get comparative figures.
I assumed a base case of 5000 miles at 60mph and concluded that a set of 150 cm wingbars will cost an extra £13 with fuel at £6 per gallon. My roofrack by comparision was £22 which would be expected because it is heavier construction, whereas other roofracks with "shall we say - dubious aero-dynamic properties" had a very significant cost. I am sure lower bars will be more aerodynamic, but the numbers are small with an aero design of bar.
As I have said on this site before, the biggest factor with fuel consumption is the headwind or tail wind. Since you can't measure this and it varies from day to day (and direction) it is rather pointless making comparisons over a short time duration.
Thanks in advance