Ocean Spirit
Eating Ice Cream, skimming stones.
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It's sad that we live in a world like this huh?I found the ad for it on eBay, I suspect the wording has been carefully chosen to be correct, but easily misconstrued by the gullible e.g. 'T5 Camper Van', 'California pop top electric roof', 'top range', 'VW Transporter'
I think it is exactly as you say...correct but very misleading to a novice. I know it's a buyers responsibility to check things out thoroughly but its a form of deception.
I bought a Porsche privately once and it was parked at such an angle I couldn't see a 2 inch dent in the sill near the rear wheel arch. I took it out for a test drive and was specifically instructed how to park it when we got back. This was allegedly so the kids had enough room to pass to get to the garage with their bikes. Wow I thought (gullible me looking at the 10 foot gap) this guy really cares about his car. I spotted it a couple of days later and knew it was impossible for me to have done it. When I rang him up he told me I must have done it.