Tour de France 4-6 July

tim batten

tim batten

VIP Member
Holmfirth, West Yorkshire
Cali now sold
We live in Holmfirth. The Tour de France Grand Depart route passes within 200 metres of our farm, and we are close to the famous Holme Moss trans Pennine road which will be the main attraction during the Grand Depart. Accommodation and parking are at an absolute premium over this weekend. We run a bed and breakfast, but we also have space for 3 California sized camper vans to park on our property. Water and electricity are available, but unfortunately not toilets or washing facilities. Bring your own portable toilet / tent. We have safe storage for bicycles, and can provide all the necessary local information about the event. To enquire, send me a PM or ring us on 07860418977.
Hi Tim, just seen your brilliant offer and would love to take you up on it. I will be in my toffee brown 4motion cali. I will try and speak to you Tuesday. You are a star!
Geoff 07917
Half of my family come from Yorkshire so troll away.

I fear that the "rip em off, shaft em, charge em for drinking water" fraternity will mean that Yorkshire is a once only visit for many who go up to see the tdf.

A friend of mine is an avid cyclist and runs a small bike shop and he regularly visits Italy and France for the Giro and Tour respectively. He is a great believer in supporting local communities, buying things locally, local produce etc and is disgusted at the attitude of those in Yorkshire trying to screw every last penny out of this event. He contrasts this to the more fraternal/ community minded attitude of the French and is not even prepared to go to Yorkshire to see this, despite us both living only 45 mins away. He advised me to, and is himself going to, travel to watch this on the third day as he has found the general vibe around the Cambridge to London stage less mercenary and penny pinching.
Gatvol - don't believe everything your friend tells you about Yorkshire folk being tight - they are generally warm friendly people, and I can assure you that visitors to my town of Holmfirth for the TDF will be made very welcome. Believe it or not, this Yorkshireman has even paid his annual subscription to use this forum!
We have loads of VIP members from Yorkshire :thumb
I used to live in Leeds, have many happy memories of there. My maternal relatives still mostly live in Sheffield which is where my mother and father met. I visit robin hoods bay, Filey, Whitby in the Cali every year. I have no beef with Yorkshire, and indeed specify its pudding as a starter. And I eat Hendersons Relish. And I drink Sam Smiths and have been to Tadcaster to try it at source. And I lament the loss of the 'ole in t'road. And I miss Redgates and Sugg Sport. And my father made his living by selling Yorkshire fish and chips (beef dripping, proper fish cakes) he learnt to make in Sheffield, but he took them into Nottinghamshire where an inferior product is the norm

I was merely relaying the views of a highly knowledgeable cyclist who is plugged into the regional and national cycling scene. He is dismayed by the rip off merchants, profiteering opportunists and commercialism associated with the Yorkshire stages of the TDF. He is a guy who has cycled from the East Midlands to watch actual stages in France. He has a favoured bar in Paris where he can get a seat and still see the final stage in comfort - he knows what is what. He has vast knowledge of the event and cycling. So I trust his judgement.
tim batten said:
Gatvol - don't believe everything your friend tells you about Yorkshire folk being tight - they are generally warm friendly people, and I can assure you that visitors to my town of Holmfirth for the TDF will be made very welcome. Believe it or not, this Yorkshireman has even paid his annual subscription to use this forum!
Nice one :clap
Pollychops said:
tim batten said:
Gatvol - don't believe everything your friend tells you about Yorkshire folk being tight - they are generally warm friendly people, and I can assure you that visitors to my town of Holmfirth for the TDF will be made very welcome. Believe it or not, this Yorkshireman has even paid his annual subscription to use this forum!
Nice one :clap

I was a paid up VIP member until recently. But the forum has changed a bit. We now have numerous corporate sponsors. Certain posts are now being reviewed/ delayed/ censored prior to posting when they involve a sponsor. The freedom of speech that was once a fundamental aspect of British life, and one that enormous sacrifices were made for over generations, has been compromised by this.

It feels a bit less like a quasi-mutual run on co-operative type principles (the feeling I had when I first joined). I have been (ie car now sold) and still am a member of other car forums, none have ever sought any payment from me; but I was happy to financially support this forum when I first joined and may well do again. But as this is now a commercially orientated forum, I would probably rejoin based on commercial considerations.

Seeking sponsorship from an insurance company was also a bold step. Doubtless there will be many members who have been unhappy with insurers over the years, with scars on their backs to prove it. I have had just two non-fault accidents in the past 25 years and I got ripped off both times despite independent witnesses attesting the facts - neither involved Comfort, I hasten to add.
As my original post may have been forgotten, can I just take the opportunity to remind members who would like to come to Holmfirth to watch what will probably be the most spectacular section of the TDF Grand Depart, ie the Holme Moss climb, which is just up the road from our farm; we have 3 camper van parking places on offer to California owners on Friday 4th, Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th July. It is a very nice location, with a view of Holme Moss. We have water and electricity available but unfortunately no washing/toilet facilities. It is a secure location. The Tour route is a 2 minute walk away, at the bottom of our driveway. We have bike storage if required. One place is already taken for the Saturday night. Access roads will be closed to cars from 7.30am to 7.30pm on Sunday. However, if you are a keen cyclist, you can ride up to the top of Holme Moss on Sunday morning.
Cost is £30 for Friday, and £35 for Saturday and Sunday. Other sites will cost 3 times this amount, but of course will have additional facilities. If you are interested or would like further information, please send me a PM or call Tim on 07860 418977.
£100 a night to stay in Yorkshire !!!!!

So after the trolling I received, the sarcastic clapping hands, it seems my cycle shop owning friend was right about Yorkshire rip off merchants profiteering from what is meant to be a free sporting event.

Does political correctness mean that we can't warn Cali owners that they might be innocently driving towards a rip off zone ? Or are we only allowed to recommend places in Yorkshire as I have done with Hook House Farm at Robin Hood's Bay ?

“Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being correct....... If you’re right and you know it, speak your mind. Speak your mind. Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.” - Gandhi
My own view is I cant think of any thing worse than watching bikes go by so Yorkshire is out for us in early July, Those who bike enjoy the tour :crazy

Candy white 12 plate , no bike rack (or lycra)
HY09UMU said:
My own view is I cant think of any thing worse than watching bikes go by so Yorkshire is out for us in early July, Those who bike enjoy the tour :crazy

Candy white 12 plate , no bike rack (or lycra)

i think it's best if stay clear of Harrogate , york ,leeds ,sheffield ,cambridge and london ... :smile
gatvol said:
£100 a night to stay in Yorkshire !!!!!

Think it £30 or £35 per night, still quite expensive for a spot without toilet or shower, but probably the going rate to be near the tour.

Does Ghandi have a quote for exaggerating the costs to prove a point?

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No exaggeration here, I'm just going on what the OP says......

Cost is £30 for Friday, and £35 for Saturday and Sunday. Other sites will cost 3 times this amount

3 x 30-35 is about 100. I saw little point in calculating this to decimal points.

What a hateful society we are becoming when random folk just want to criticise you or make sarcastic comments when you are trying to be helpful.

Even if people want me to say "go to Yorkshire to watch the tdf and stay for a while as it will be cheap", I won't as it is not true.
Here we go again. Gatvol - you appear to have the misguided opinion that accommodation and facilities for major international sporting events should have the same price as at any other time of the year. This is just not the case. The fact is that supply and demand result in higher prices, and believe it or not, there are plenty of people who fully understand and accept this. I think those who have read your posts understand your views, and that you will not be coming to Yorkshire to watch the TDF, so can I suggest that you give it a rest now, and move on to gripe about some othe topic elsewhere?
is it just me or does Gatvol have a chip on his shoulder about everything?

Yorkshire people
VW dealers
This forum charging for membership
VW in general
People charging for a pitch on their own land

There is probably more but i dont have time to read through all his posts.
In defence of Gatvol I think the point he makes is that the UK generally is a rip off society. I agree with that.

I think from past posts that Tim Batten like me spends a lot of time in Portugal where everything is so much more laid back and relaxed.

I have to say that when I returned to the UK after doing my 15 month through 22 countries in my Cali that it really opened my eyes.

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gatvol said:
No exaggeration here, I'm just going on what the OP says......

Cost is £30 for Friday, and £35 for Saturday and Sunday. Other sites will cost 3 times this amount

3 x 30-35 is about 100. I saw little point in calculating this to decimal points.

What a hateful society we are becoming when random folk just want to criticise you or make sarcastic comments when you are trying to be helpful.

Even if people want me to say "go to Yorkshire to watch the tdf and stay for a while as it will be cheap", I won't as it is not true.

Oh I see. I apologise. I thought you were saying the site being advertised was 100 quid per night.

You had taken that number and multiplied by 3 to get the average price of Yorkshire campsites during the TDF

Not sure that is correct but I understand your point now.


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Why not look up what Gatvol means ? Though you probably need to have lived in the country to appreciate the nuances.
All set in Yorkshire :)
Watching finish of stage 1 in Harrogate ....
Being on Le Col de Holme Moss last Sunday on day two of this year's Tour de France was a fantastic experience, only matched by cycling up it, with the road closed to traffic, the previous evening.
Thanks Tim for the invite to Yorkshire.
Happy California camping.... Geoff
It was a brilliant event ,and TV coverage off my local area's was excellent

Yorkshire u did the Country proud :thumb

There were plenty of Cali's about and converted T4 's n T5's

Well done to the organisors

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