Typical but why?



VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 199
Whilst parked up in the hot sun with the roof up in the South of France for 2 weeks , the roof on one side starts to drop a fraction.
But why does it automatically raise itself again when we are sound asleep in the middle of the night ! This has now happened twice in ten days, Putting the fear of God in us both.
Being parked up just 2 metres away from the sea the first thing you think is the car has started and is heading to the sea and then it takes ages to fall back to sleep due to the heat
Still wouldn’t swap if for anything else though
Dave and Lisa

Oh I read somewhere that the pop up roof is automatically checked for height at regular intervals when the ignition is switched off. I also read that the interval is approx every ten hours. I guess if that is true it should move by two hours everyday - so not always in the middle of the night. That said I agree the middle of the day would be better but then if you are driving.......I suspect there is no ideal time. What would be good though is if you could programme this checking start time.
Try a search on the forum
Oh I read somewhere that the pop up roof is automatically checked for height at regular intervals when the ignition is switched off. I also read that the interval is approx every ten hours. I guess if that is true it should move by two hours everyday - so not always in the middle of the night. That said I agree the middle of the day would be better but then if you are driving.......I suspect there is no ideal time. What would be good though is if you could programme this checking start time.
My handbook (T5) says the roof is automatically checked 10 hours after ignition switched off and then every 5 hours after that. But it doesn't always kick in at ten hours, so it can be a bit of a jiggle to make sure neither 10 or subsequent 5 intervals are not at night!
I have never had that check.
Ignition off, is that with the keys still in the ignition? Or pulled out completely? As I never leave the key in the ignition at night.
Keys have been out of the ignition for the last 2 weeks as Cali parked up ,obviously it might also happen whilst we are away from the vehicle.
Just scares the cr.. out of you when you are sound asleep !
I have never had that check.
Ignition off, is that with the keys still in the ignition? Or pulled out completely? As I never leave the key in the ignition at night.
Keys out, according to the manual.
Still, mine does not do it. As a result: the left side is saggy in the morning. Only happens this fast when it is hot.
When it is much cooler (+- 20°C. without sun on the van) it takes a couple of days (2 - 3) before the sagging takes place.
I have already changed the left hydraulic piston, but this didn't help. I am still trying to find a solution to repair my hydraulic pump.
My handbook (T5) says the roof is automatically checked 10 hours after ignition switched off and then every 5 hours after that. But it doesn't always kick in at ten hours, so it can be a bit of a jiggle to make sure neither 10 or subsequent 5 intervals are not at night!
Thanks - Not so specific in the T6 Manual.
Does this on mine as well and always makes me jump when it happens when I’m in the van. My advice would be to turn the ignition on then off just before going to bed and then you will probably get an undisturbed night’s sleep. Either that or open the roof fully again before retiring.
Good evening,

During our holidays we stayed 4 nights in Pompeii. During this time it re-adjusted the roof twice (as far as I know). During the day we were out and about.

I was reading somewhere that the van will check regularly for the oel pressure. It seems after a time the pressure in the system can decrease a wee bit. Because of this it automatically brings it back to the needed pressure. Obviously this should prevent the roof coming down if it is up for a longer period of time.

Because it is unexpected it is a bit of a surprise when it happens. I don't mind (even in the middle of the night) because I know it was designed that way.

Ours retensions after 10h too; so before bed, we lower it a fraction, put it up to max again and then it never happens in the night.

It is indeed a bit of a shock if if happens in the middle of the night!
Keys have been out of the ignition for the last 2 weeks as Cali parked up ,obviously it might also happen whilst we are away from the vehicle.
Just scares the cr.. out of you when you are sound asleep !
I sleep up top my wife sleeps down. The first time it happened to me, in the middle of the night, I thought I was going to be crushed by the roof coming down. Frightening wasn’t the word.
What I do now is, whenever I see the side walls have lost a bit of tension I manually lower the roof a bit then raise again to full height.

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