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Unexpected testing!



VIP Member
North East England
So, we are currently away on our first proper holiday in our Cali, it is an 8 night trip. We have come up to the CCC site at Luss on Loch Lomond. Beautiful place :) however...

It would seem an almighty weather front decided to come with us (we didn't invite it).

I can currently report that everything is holding up well against the 20-40mph winds and torrential rain, we haven't had any water in through the bellows yet. And my wife's fear of the Cali being blown over hasn't happened (so far ;) )

I fear my resolve might give out though and we might lower the roof and sleep downstairs tonight!! The only downside has been the draft and spots of rain that is blowing in through the high vents in the bellows. It's a bit strange being rained on indoors!

Does anyone know if there is an advised usable limit for having the roof up in high wind, I can't remember reading about one?

Yes, it is a bit wild today (!) - we're not that far from Luss. Like you, I haven't heard of a wind threshold but I'd suggest you just use common sense (ie might simply be quieter to sleep with the roof down). You might want to make sure the van rear is facing into the wind (having first checked that the wind isn't forecast to change direction in the night !).

We camped on the coast north of Oban in similar gusty conditions once. The roof was fine but I did wake up wondering where the fine spray was coming from ! Some gaffa tape blocked up the vents and all was fine.

The roof canvas should become more weather proof over time so getting it wet is probably a good thing ( dries out quickly).
Yeah, decided to lower the roof for a bit today and it is much quieter and more stable, I think we will kip downstairs tonight! Have put it back up again to see if the mattress got wet and it didn't so all good on the weather proofing, will need to get the near side rained on at some point to even it up (shouldn't be difficult!)

It is nice knowing it can cope in all weathers, even if whether we can is questionable :D
We're down in Glasgow and it's seriously windy.
Even in the house!
Most of the ferries to Arran, Ireland and the western isles are off and it doesn't look much better tomorrow!

We've slept with the roof up in the roof in some very windy weather indeed: Outer Hebrides, north of Oban and Glen Nevis. Rain too. Gaffer tape over the ducts, too.

The only problem we've encountered is the sheer noise from the flapping of the bellows on the scissory things. I guess there must be the potential for damage but none thusfar. But the noise is difficult to sleep through :sad

If you're eating out tonight there's a touristy looking hotel half way up loch lomond on the LHS of the road (the only one) going north that does stellar fish 'n chips (and other good stuff too). The Village Inn in Arrochar also does excellent real ale (and steaks in the evening).

If you fancy a BBQ there's lots of Canadian Wild Geese on the LHS of the loch :D
My grandson chases them, but they rally and attack back in numbers.

Good luck
Had the kids upstairs in ours in a force 10.

Got a bit worried and brought them down then lowered the roof - NOT good in such winds! Didn't work first time but it was fine on the second attempt. As soon as the tension goes out of the bellows, things get rather interesting...

Oh and try and get a Pucer cover off (i.e GIANT sail!) in a force 10 as well - it's rather challenging. I swear we nearly got flung into the Atlantic!

VW California Club
